YouTube reveals new developments in the worlds of “Metaverse” and NFT

On Thursday, YouTube elaborated on its plans for Blockchain and the world of Metaverse for 2022, saying it can take advantage of emerging technologies to reduce fraud in the fast-growing digital art market and provide a richer social viewing experience for gaming content.

YouTube, the world’s largest streaming service owned by Alphabet Inc., has been trying over the past year to retain users by beefing up guidelines on upcoming features, amid increasingly fierce competition from ByteDance’s TikTok and Meta’s Instagram.

YouTube said last month that it was exploring what insiders call “Web3” technologies, such as non-fungible NFT tokens, which are videos, artifacts, or other valuable digital materials tied to the blockchain record-keeping technology. “. Sales of the NFT business soared last year, but critics say Fraud and copyright theft And others are very common in this virtual world.

YouTube said that among the potential features that it will develop in 2022 is to provide methods for verifying Legitimacy of Valuable Digital Materials and Assets Using YouTube’s video library.


“Providing a means by which fans can check in to own videos, photos, art materials and even experiences from their favorite creators may be a great hope for content creators and their fans,” the site said in a blog post.

YouTube has also given priority to technology digital virtual reality “metaverse”, It is part of the Web 3 movement, which describes shared virtual worlds in which people often interact through avatars.

A YouTube visualization of the world of metaverse

A YouTube visualization of the world of metaverse

YouTube said it has no firm ideas yet regarding Metaverse, but one possibility is to allow users to watch videos together in virtual reality with Metaverse technology. He added in the blog post that he will now generally focus on gaming videos “as we will work to bring more interactions to games, and make users feel more alive” during gameplay.

Last month, ByteDance launched a mobile app for virtual reality gathering, Metaverse. For its part, Meta, which owns Facebook, is spending billions of dollars on virtual and augmented reality technology.

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