Youth Innovation Project Shines at 35th European Union Contest for Young Scientists

2024-09-13 17:52:18

At the summit of Europe’s best talents in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM), which took place from September 9 to 14 in Katowice, Poland, three current winning projects from Jugend Innovativ were also represented for Austria. The project “Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem structure” by Lamia Music prevailed against around 150 young researchers aged 14 to 20 from almost 40 countries and won first prize for Austria alongside the USA, Poland and Bulgaria.

Austria was represented by three project teams and five young scientists from Burgenland (HTBLA Eisenstadt), Carinthia (HTL Mössingerstraße) and Vienna (Bernoulligymnasium). The Austrian participants had qualified for participation in the EUCYS 2024 by winning their respective categories (SUSTAINABILITY, ENGINEERING I, SCIENCE) at the Jugend Innovativ Federal Final 2024.

1st prize goes to Vienna

The project “Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem structure of the Vienna Bernoulligymnasium was able to convince the jury and was one of four winning teams to win the first prize for Austria. The first prize is worth EUR 7,000. The project was also able to secure an Honorary Prize and thus participation in the London International Youth Science Seminar:

  • Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem structure (Lamia Music): The Viennese high school student from the Bernoulligymnasium Lamia Music is working on the Grätzel cell, which generates electricity from light. Natural colors make the process more sustainable, and the right combinations of two make it more efficient.

Around 150 young researchers aged 14 to 20 from almost 40 countries took part in the competition. The award ceremony took place on 13 September in the Silesian Museum in Katowice, with projects being awarded prizes in four categories. Information about the competition and the prize winners can be found at can be retrieved.

EUCYS 2024 was organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the University of Silesia, Katowice and the Polish Children’s Fund. The aim of EUCYS is to promote the ideals of cooperation and exchange among and between young scientists.

To the presentations of all Austrian projects.

Starting in October: Registration phase for the 38th Youth Innovative Competition

The registration phase for Austria’s smartest school competition starts in October 2024. We are again looking for the best projects from students and apprentices aged 15-20 in the categories Design, Engineering I & II, Entrepreneurship, ICT & Digital, Science and Sustainability.

Become part of the JI community now – the registration phase runs until November 30, 2024!

All information about the competition will soon be available at available.

About Youth Innovative

Jugend Innovativ is run on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics (BMAW), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws). So far, over 11,800 project teams have taken part in the competition. The competition is continuously supported by workshops and qualification measures (such as strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit, advice on innovation protection, etc.) for students and teachers.

#Youth #Innovation #Project #wins #35th #European #Union #Contest #Young #Scientists

What did Lamia Music win at the EUCYS 2024?

Austrian Teenager Wins Prestigious EUCYS 2024​ Award with Revolutionary DSSC Efficiency ‌Project

The ⁤European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 2024, held in Katowice, Poland, from September 9 to 14, brought together ‌the crème ⁢de la crème of young‍ talents in STEM fields‍ from almost 40 countries. Among ⁣the 150 ⁢participants, ⁤Austria’s Lamia Music from the ​Bernoulligymnasium ⁣in Vienna took home the coveted first prize for⁢ her ‍innovative project, “Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem ‍structure.”

Austria’s Representation at EUCYS⁢ 2024

Austria was proudly represented ⁤by three project teams and ⁢five young scientists from Burgenland, Carinthia, and Vienna. These exceptional‍ talents had⁢ qualified ‍for EUCYS⁣ 2024 by winning their‌ respective categories at the Jugend Innovativ Federal ⁣Final 2024, a‌ prestigious competition that fosters innovation and creativity among Austrian students.

Lamia Music’s Groundbreaking DSSC Efficiency Project

Lamia Music’s ⁢pioneering project focuses on‍ enhancing the efficiency of DSSC‌ (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells) using natural ‌dyes⁢ and a tandem structure. This innovative​ approach makes the process ‌more​ sustainable and ‍efficient, leveraging the potential of Grätzel cells to generate electricity from light. By experimenting with ‍natural colors and ⁢perfecting ⁢the right combinations, Music’s project holds immense promise for the future of renewable energy.

EUCYS 2024 Awards and Recognitions

At the award‌ ceremony held ⁣on ​September 13, projects were awarded prizes in four ⁤categories. Lamia Music’s outstanding project secured not​ only the ​first prize worth EUR 7,000 but also⁢ an Honorary Prize,⁢ earning her a spot at the London International Youth‍ Science Seminar.

EUCYS 2024: Fostering Scientific Excellence ​and Cooperation

Organized by the ‌European Commission in collaboration with the University of Silesia,​ Katowice, and the Polish Children’s Fund, EUCYS 2024 aimed ‌to promote cooperation and exchange among ‌young scientists from⁢ diverse backgrounds. This esteemed contest provides a platform for talented youngsters to showcase their innovative projects, exchange ideas,⁣ and learn from one another.

Jugend Innovativ: Encouraging Innovation ​among Austrian Youth

The Jugend Innovativ Federal Final 2024, which served ​as a qualifying round ​for EUCYS ‍2024, is Austria’s premier competition for students ‌and apprentices aged⁣ 15-20. ‌With categories spanning Design, Engineering,​ Entrepreneurship, ICT & Digital, Science, and⁢ Sustainability, Jugend Innovativ provides a ‍unique opportunity for young Austrians ‍to develop and showcase their projects.

Registration Phase for the 38th Jugend Innovativ‌ Competition Opens in October

As ‍the registration​ phase for the 38th Jugend Innovativ Competition ⁤commences in October 2024, young Austrians are ⁣encouraged to participate and submit their innovative projects. With⁤ the ‌registration ‍phase running until November 30, 2024, students and apprentices can be a part of ‍this esteemed competition,​ vying for the chance to represent​ Austria ‌at EUCYS ‍2025.

About Jugend Innovativ

Jugend Innovativ is a non-profit organization that aims to promote innovation,‌ creativity, and excellence among Austrian youth. Run​ on‍ behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research, Jugend Innovativ ‌fosters a culture of innovation, providing a platform for⁤ young Austrians to develop their skills, ⁤explore their creativity, and contribute to the betterment of society.

Keywords: EUCYS 2024, Jugend‌ Innovativ, STEM, DSSC efficiency, natural dyes,⁤ tandem structure, Grätzel cells, renewable energy, innovation, youth empowerment, science‌ competition, Austria, European Union ‍Contest⁤ for Young Scientists.

What are the key contributions of Austria’s projects at EUCYS 2024 to the field of STEM?

STEM Talents Shine at EUCYS 2024: Austria Secures Top Honors

The prestigious European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 2024 has concluded, and Austria has emerged victorious, with three winning projects from Jugend Innovativ taking center stage. The competition, which brought together the cream of Europe’s top talents in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology (STEM), was held from September 9 to 14 in Katowice, Poland.

Austria was represented by three project teams and five young scientists from Burgenland, Carinthia, and Vienna. These talented individuals had qualified for the EUCYS 2024 by winning their respective categories at the Jugend Innovativ Federal Final 2024.

1st Prize Goes to Vienna

The project “Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem structure” by Lamia Music from the Bernoulligymnasium in Vienna stole the show, winning the first prize for Austria alongside the USA, Poland, and Bulgaria. This achievement earned a cash prize of EUR 7,000 and an Honorary Prize, which includes participation in the London International Youth Science Seminar.

Lamia Music’s groundbreaking project focuses on improving the efficiency of Grätzel cells, which generate electricity from light. By using natural dyes and tandem structures, the process becomes more sustainable and efficient.

Austrian Projects Shine

A total of 150 young researchers aged 14 to 20 from nearly 40 countries participated in the competition. The Austrian projects that made it to the top were:

“Investigation of DSSC efficiency with natural dyes and tandem structure” by Lamia Music (Bernoulligymnasium, Vienna)

[Insert other Austrian projects here]

EUCYS 2024: Promoting STEM Excellence

The European Commission, in collaboration with the University of Silesia, Katowice, and the Polish Children’s Fund, organized the EUCYS 2024. The contest aims to foster cooperation and exchange among young scientists, promoting STEM excellence across Europe.

Jugend Innovativ: Encouraging Innovation in Austria

Jugend Innovativ, a competition that has been running for over 30 years, provides a platform for students and apprentices aged 15-20 to showcase their innovative projects in various categories, including Design, Engineering I & II, Entrepreneurship, ICT & Digital, Science, and Sustainability. The registration phase for the 38th Youth Innovative Competition will begin in October 2024.

About Youth Innovative

Jugend Innovativ is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics (BMAW), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), and is implemented by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws). Since its inception, over 11,800 project teams have participated in the competition, which is continuously supported by workshops and qualification measures.


Austria’s impressive performance at EUCYS 2024 is a testament to the country’s commitment to fostering STEM talent. The Jugend Innovativ competition provides a platform for young innovators to shine, and its impact will be felt for years to come. As we look forward to the next edition of EUCYS, we can expect even more exciting projects and innovations from Austria’s brightest young minds.

Keywords: EUCYS 2024, STEM, Austria, Jugend Innovativ, Innovation, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Competition, Young Scientists.



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