You’re bored?

You’re bored?

2024-04-07 04:09:00

How many times have you felt that you enjoyed what you did? How many times do you feel that you enjoy what you exercise? How many times have you given yourself permission to feel if what you were doing was what you chose? In the daily routine, in general, we approach our obligations, sometimes pleasant, although we do not register it, sometimes boring, although we do nothing to change it, other times unbearable, although we endure it because we like to complain regarding everything we suffer.

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The knotted ball

Could it be that “having a bad time or not having a good time at all” makes us more respected?
I love the naturalness of children when they say that adults are boring. I ask them why they think that and in general they always respond with similar words: “They are serious and worried”, “They get angry regarding everything”, “They don’t like to play”. It makes me a little ashamed, because many times I recognize myself that way, although of course, when I’m with the children, that doesn’t happen. Magic appears and I can transform into any character in a second.

From that experience everything looks different, better if it is on the floor. The body begins to move differently. The rigid structures of seemingly responsible culture fade. Emotions, possibilities, diverse perspectives arise. Facial expressions change. If the voices are different, so is the face. Then unknown laughter or anger appears, one’s own and the other’s. In that dance the repressed surfaces. And that’s where we know it. The secrets, the unsaid, the fantasy, the feared. As the magic of the game continues, we fear nothing. Wrapped in that light, we tell each other secrets, we speak without lies and we give free rein to the flight of imagination without belts. We take fears and put reins on them, to take them to a good destination. Uncover the accumulated and allow life to flow, letting go of the old to receive the new.

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I allow myself to get angry

Doesn’t it make you want to play some of this? I hope so. Although if it doesn’t inspire you, maybe you can make gestures in the mirror. Playing that you are the fiercest of ghosts or the most harmless of insects. Maybe you can imagine as you walk along the loose tiles that you are trying to cross a sea full of sharks. But a yellow shark might appear and take you to your destination above a cloud. That I’m crazy? What you say? Is doing the same thing every day consistent?

That common phrase that is repeated every day as a child; “We all have a child inside” sounds quite false to me. Being a boy or girl is a possibility that is granted. There are people who have never gone through it. Being young does not mean living childhood. I agree with the notion of living with our inner child.

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Opinion regarding the other

Sometimes rescuing him, repairing his wounds and bringing to the present, in many moments, that possibility of change, play and openness. We can play to let go of the anger, the sadness. We can paint or sing our desire to do new things while we breathe the fresh mornings and feel the sun on our faces. May your wise child guide you through these intense experiences.

Laura Collavini, graduate, educational psychologist; Author of “Pinina, the disobedient brujita” and “My environment and I” Instagram-Facebook: Fundación Siendo

#Youre #bored

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