A decree published on December 30 in the Official Journal changes the obligations of employers in the presentation of payslips. What changes from this month of January?
The payslip changes in 2022 to take into account new legal obligations. Since this month of January, employers must clearly indicate new information. This is the case of the amount from net taxable salary, the amount of withholding tax for income tax, as well as overtime or additional hours exempt.
For these three pieces of information, your employer must now display the amount for the month on your payslip, as well as the amount accumulated since the beginning of the year. He can however choose the way in which he shows these amounts, as long as it remains legible for the employee, as specified in the decree published in the Official Journal on December 30.
New development this summer
Not noticing any changes on your January payslip? This is probably because your employer already included this information on your payslip. Many companies have indeed anticipated these new directives for several months.
Our payslips should change once more during the summer of 2022. Certain social mentions must be added from July 1, specifies Capital, but the details have not yet been communicated.