Your mental health reflects your quality of life

Dr.. Mona perish

Many doctors and scientists in the fields of psychology and mental health spoke and wrote regarding the importance of psychological care, the importance of people’s awareness of counseling from a specialist and student in this field, and the development of awareness and knowledge of the vitality and usefulness of psychological treatment. The importance of such a trend is increasing in this era of acceleration and mechanization, in which social relations have diminished, and the entry of material has become stronger and clearer, at the expense of values ​​and relationships. This does not mean that human relationships have faded or weakened, as much as it means the nature of the preoccupations and priorities of a large segment of people have changed in various parts of human societies, and such a situation may result in a lot of anxiety, tension, worries and sorrows, which are symptoms that cause depression and many psychological diseases, If left untreated.

This shows that modern life, with all its development, glow, technology and techniques, needs awareness and understanding of its requirements and ways to deal with them, and here brings the vitality and importance of counseling and psychiatry, to enjoy a mental life and mental health.

The World Health Organization states: “Mental health is a state of psychological well-being that enables a person to cope with life’s stresses, realize his potential, learn and work well, and contribute to his or her community. It is an integral part of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, make relationships, and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. They are critical to personal, community, social and economic development.

Mental health is not limited to the absence of mental disorders; They are part of a complex continuum, differing from person to person, characterized by varying degrees of difficulty and distress, and potentially very different social and clinical outcomes. Mental health conditions include mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities, as well as other psychological conditions associated with severe distress, impaired functioning, or risk of self-harm. People with mental health conditions are likely to experience low levels of psychological comfort, but this does not always or necessarily occur.”

According to this critical importance of psychiatry, there is an individual responsibility on each one of us, which is awareness and understanding of the nature of life and its difficulties, and work to relieve stress, feelings of anxiety, tantrums and confusion.

Let’s help ourselves, and remember that inner psychological safety is reflected in the body, and it clearly reflects the quality of life we ​​live.

Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology

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