Your donations to Viva for Life allow the financing of 178 projects to fight against child poverty

For a child to be able to see the future with peace of mind, he must be able to grow up in a fulfilling environment. This is what l’Arbre-à-Bulles offers: a reassuring and secure space where children from families in great difficulty can just be children. By Kathleen’s own admission, without help from Viva for life, the Bubble Tree should cease its activities.

It is projects such as this that the Viva for Life jury has sought to promote, despite the task becoming less and less easy, since this year has been marked by a 20% increase in applications for funding. . The jury has agreed on 178 projects that will receive funding to guarantee their mission of helping underprivileged children. In concrete terms, 84% of the funding granted aims to increase and improve reception places for families, while 15% concerns the purchase of equipment or the carrying out of work and 1% is used for the acquisition of vehicles to enable associations to also reach the most isolated families.

Find out regarding the various funded projects below:

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