Young woman from Michoacan gives life to 4 people after multi-organ donation

  • His family agreed to donate kidneys and corneas.

The Michoacán Health Secretariat (SSM) carried out the fourth multi-organ procurement of the year at the General Hospital of Zamora. The patient was a 28-year-old patient whose family agreed to donate her kidneys and corneas to give a new chance at life to four Mexicans on the waiting list.

The donor, originally from Zamora, died as a result of a head injury in a motorcycle accident, and thanks to the participation of doctors, nurses and members of the State Transplant Council (Coetra), one kidney will be transplanted at the Civil Hospital of Morelia and the other at the High Specialty Hospital of Bajío, in León Guanajuato; while the corneas will be grafted in Uruapan and León, Guanajuato.

From January to date, 23 kidney transplants and 27 cornea transplants have been performed in the state at hospitals run by the SSM, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and Star Médica.

The Michoacán Health Department is calling on the population to continue raising awareness about the importance of giving life through an organ, as there are currently 138 patients on the waiting list for a kidney and 32 for a cornea.



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