Young Star at 24: Former Ried Striker Bids Farewell to Professional Football


Felix Seiwald Retires from Professional Football at 24

Felix Seiwald, the talented left-back from Salzburg, has announced his retirement from professional ‌football ⁢at just‌ 24 years ‌old. ⁤Seiwald, who made 30 appearances for FAC in the 2nd‌ football league ‌last season, ‌has chosen‍ to step away ‌from ‍the game.

His decision comes after the ​end of the last season, during ⁢which he struggled to find​ a new club that‍ matched his ambitions. “There was nothing there that appealed to me. That’s why I⁢ decided to ⁤leave it alone. I saw the moment for myself ​where I wanted to‌ take​ a different⁢ path,” Seiwald shared⁢ in an interview with the “Krone.”

Now, Felix Seiwald is shifting his focus towards education and aims to “build something up.” Despite his retirement, he has ​not entirely closed the door on a possible‌ return to football,⁢ hinting at the opportunity to rejoin an amateur ​club ‌as ⁤early as ​winter.

The article⁤ discusses the retirement of Felix⁣ Seiwald, a 24-year-old ⁣left-back from Salzburg, ⁢from professional football. Seiwald played 30 matches for FAC ‍in the second ⁣division last season but has decided to step away from​ the sport. This decision​ stemmed from a lack ⁤of appealing opportunities after the last season ended. In an interview, he ‌expressed a desire⁤ to pursue education⁣ and ‍build a⁤ new future but left the possibility open for a return to amateur⁢ football in the winter.



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