Young people of 18 nationalities submitted their admission to the UAP

Of the 330 applicants to become medical professionals, only 97 were Argentines. The degree is taught at the University of Villa Libertador San Martín

On Monday morning, February 6, 330 applicants took the entrance exam for the Medicine career at the Universidad Adventista del Plata (UAP), located in Villa Libertador San Martín.

More than 120 applicants took the test in the laboratories of the UAP and in the building of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS); the rest of the group did so in the 22 venues spread across the Americas and Spain. On this occasion, 18 nationalities were represented among the applicants. Among the outstanding data is a significant growth of applicants from Brazil and Chile, in addition to those from Bolivia, Cyprus, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, the United States, Honduras, England, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru , Uruguay and Venezuela.

As far as Argentines are concerned, the number reached a historical record, with 97 applicants for entry into this race. Each of these represents 17 provinces: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Chubut, Entre Ríos, Formosa, La Pampa, La Rioja, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego and Tucuman.

On a warm day, hundreds of young people accompanied by their families filled the university campus with expectations and, although anxiety has its place, each stage of the exam was completed in the best way.

Regarding the test, it has five areas of knowledge to evaluate: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Text comprehension and Bible; An interview is added to this instance, which is coordinated by a doctor and a psychologist from the Student Counseling Center, which contributes twenty percent of the final grade. Around 40 people, from different areas of the University, made up the team that enabled the normal development of this admission process.

During the last five years there was an average of 250 applicants, but in the last two years, this number has climbed and exceeded 300 interested in training in Medicine. This shows the high national and international interest in this program that has gained its prestige in thirty years of validity.

After this instance, the team proceeded to analyze the data and the subsequent preparation of the final list that will count the 80 seats that the admission has. Then, each applicant will be informed regarding the results.

Systems Engineering grows

On the other hand, the 2023 school year presents a promising horizon for the academic proposal of Systems Engineering, of the Universidad Adventista del Plata.

At this beginning of the year, more than 80 applications for admission to the career were received, which represents growth, challenges and responsibility, for the professional training of young people who choose this academic proposal to project their future.

Worldwide, the vertiginous job market increased the search for graduates in programming or careers related to the universe of computing.

This trend has multiplied in recent years, especially following the pandemic, where states and companies encouraged the training and training of professionals in these disciplines in order to meet the demand for national and international work.

“When we talk regarding technology, we are addressing a very broad field –said Mag. Gisella Müller, director of the Systems Engineering course at the UAP–. As far as Information Technology is concerned, there is a very broad demand, the result of a greater implementation of automation in production processes, more computerized and digitized services, an issue that requires human resources specialized in the subject.This request required strategies on the part of companies and states stimulating training through courses and techniques, and thus satisfy this need in a shorter term. But, in addition, this synergy requires professionals prepared for leadership and solving complex problems, a condition that requires more training time”.

The study plans propose the professional profile of the graduate, supplying the future graduate with tools to adapt to the changes proposed by the vertigo of the labor market. “Apart from Basic Sciences, the first year students of Systems Engineering begin to delve into Programming and Computer Science subjects, so that they begin the path of knowledge in these areas and to motivate them in the process of modeling thinking and logic that these processes require”, says the director of the degree.

In the path of updating and maintaining university quality standards, the career of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration is involved in the accreditation process. “Informatics majors have to comply with these requirements with the government accrediting entities –explains Mag. Müller–. In 2023 we are in the self-evaluation process, a stage that allows us, as a teaching and management team, to rethink ourselves, project ourselves and generate proposals that conform to those standards, that enable a project that adapts to future demands. It is a time when novelties emerge and this is what makes this mechanism interesting.”



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