Young people and money: Financial products for career starters (online lecture) –

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Financial Literacy for Adults: Don’t Get Taken for a Ride!

Starts Thursday, November 28th, 2024, 6:00 p.m
Course Fee €0.00 (registration required)
Duration 1x
Course Leader Manuel Mauch

Welcome, dear audience! Pull up a chair, grab a snack – size doesn’t matter; we’re still in a recession. On November 28th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., you have a chance to attend a free course on financial literacy, led by Manuel Mauch. Wait, did someone say “free”? Quick, check your pockets for loose change, because this seems too good to be true!

But hold your horses! This isn’t some shady car salesman trying to swoon you over that “gently used” sedan. No, no! We’re talking about the serious stuff – consumer education for families and adults, in the fine and lovely area of Baden-Württemberg. You know, the place with all the pretzel-making expertise and beer that makes you say “Auf Wiedersehen” to your worries!

Now, I can hear you asking, “What’s in it for me?” Well, young folks and career starters, this course is aimed squarely at you! It’s like a survival guide in a world where banks and insurers conspire in a dark lair somewhere, plotting over premiums and commissions – and it’s not the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster, but the reality of financial products!

What’s on the Agenda?

Without giving away too much *spoiler alert*, they’ll be discussing the age-old questions of modern finance:

  • Are there still free salary accounts, or are they just a myth like the Loch Ness Monster?
  • How do you compare loans without feeling like you’re wrestling an octopus? (Spoiler: calculators are involved!)
  • And let’s not forget retirement planning! Because unless you’re planning to start an Instagram influencer career, you’ll want some savings set aside!

The crux of the issue is this: Banks and insurers seem to recommend whatever tickles their commission-feeding fancy, which results in you sitting there, confounded, asking yourself why a simple loan feels like signing your life away – in quadruplicate!

How’s it Funded?

This enlightening initiative has been graciously financed by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, proving that they care about your financial well-being – at least until the next election, right? It’s run through the Evangelical State Association and Adult Education Association, so it must be serious. Let’s just hope the refreshments are not as dry as the information might sound!

Final Thoughts

Remember, registration is required, because they need a headcount of all you savvy consumers ready to challenge the financial status quo. Don’t miss out on the chance to become the master of your fiscal destiny: a wise wage-warrior, striding into adulthood armed with knowledge (and far fewer monthly contributions to that ‘mysterious fund’!).

So, will you join us on this journey of financial enlightenment? If so, grab that registration link like it’s the last pretzel at a beer garden! Cheers to a future where you never again have to ask, “Why is my money always disappearing?”

Starts Thursday, November 28th, 2024, 6:00 p.m

Course fee €0.00 (registration required)

Duration 1x

Course leader Manuel Mauch

This event takes place as part of the “Consumer Education for Families and Adults in Baden-Württemberg” initiative, which is financed by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection and carried out by the Evangelical State Association of Family Education Centers in Württemberg and the Baden-Württemberg Adult Education Association becomes.

– In cooperation with the consumer advice center BW eV –
Young people and career starters are a sought-after target group for providers of insurance, loans and retirement products. But what is then sold and recommended is usually only good business for the intermediaries and providers of the products. Are there still free salary accounts? How can you compare loans and what tricks do the brokers use? How do I take the first steps towards sensible retirement planning? These questions are of central importance for those starting out in their careers. The banks, insurance and fund sellers only recommend what brings them sufficient commission. The aim of the lecture is to provide information about various financial products with a focus on retirement provision, regardless of the provider, in order to have an initial good information basis for the upcoming decisions.

Registration required.

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