Young medical student died after brutal beating in apparent robbery | World

Agustina Fernández was a 19-year-old girl, a medicine student, who
he died
this Wednesday, July 6, 2022, in Argentina, following being the victim of a brutal beating, apparently during a robbery. The events occurred in the city of Cipolletti, located in the province of Río Negro.

The young woman was taken last Saturday to the Pedro Moguillansky hospital, where she was diagnosed with brain death and, according to
The Nation reported
on the morning of this Wednesday the process of organ ablation began.

According to said means of communication, the director of the hospital explained that the young woman suffered a “traumatic brain injury” product of the brutal beating he received and that a series of tests were carried out, but no “brain activity or responses” were detected.

Agustina Fernández was studying Medicine at the National University of Comahue, who regretted what happened and demanded “speed in the investigation and justice” for her student.

According to La Nación, the parents of the deceased girl met this Wednesday morning with authorities from the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), which is investigating the homicide for which no arrests have been made so far.

“According to the MPF, so far 21 testimonials were received, although none of people who have witnessed the assault. Some 200 hours of security camera footage was collected; and evidence such as papilloscopic, shoe, blood and DNA traces were found at the crime scene,” La Nación noted.

Through a statement, the MPF indicated that “The main hypothesis being investigated is that Agustina was violently assaulted as a result of a robbery.”

The events that led to the death of Agustina Fernández were recorded around 7:30 pm on Saturday, July 2, in the apartment where Pablo Parra lives, a friend of the young woman with whom she had arranged to have dinner.

In dialogue with the
station LU19
Pablo Parra pointed out that he went out to do some shopping and Agustina stayed in the apartment.

“Then I went home and parked outside, around the corner there is a pantry where I bought two beers and I started talking to the owner of the pantry,” he said.

Pablo noted that it took him regarding an hour to return to the apartment, he found the light off and, upon entering, he saw Agustina “lying on the floor… like trembling”. She assured that when she entered the room she turned on the light and was “all mixed up”.

He maintained that in the internal courtyard he saw clothes lying on the ground, he climbed a wall that overlooks a construction site and then he observed “a stairway stopped”, by which the criminal or criminals would have entered.

assured that They took his phone and Agustina’s, as well as the copy of the keys that the student had, “one thousand dollars, a large silver rosary and clothes.”

He stated that he asked the neighbors for help and believes that the security cameras in the area are useless. Also, he said that he has given statements to the authorities and is aware that he may be investigated.

In fact, feminist groups called mobilizations and demanded justice for Agustina’s death. They even hinted that Pablo Parra might be a suspect.



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