2024-07-30 11:11:50
“Closing the pension gap already costs the Austrian state nearly 30 billion euros per year and is therefore our largest expenditure item,” said Julia Aichhorn, president of the Federation of Youth Industries, with concern. “This is equivalent to approximately a quarter of the euro available to the state. We continue to increase spending every year. The final value will not be determined until September.
“For comparison: the state spends almost three times more on pensions than all our education systems. So our performance in the PISA study is not good compared to other OECD countries,” Aichhorn explains. “As the retirement wave approaches, financial burdens will continue to increase in the coming years. So we urgently need pension reform.
“From the perspective of young industry, a pension system that can be financed in the long term is needed. Abolition of automatic pension increases would be the first step,” Eichhorn concluded.
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