You won’t believe the beauty of Magda Zaki’s daughter 20 years after her divorce from her big star husband.. you won’t expect who he is!

Amir Fathi wrote on Friday, March 18, 2022 05:43 AM – the Egyptian artist Magda Zaki She is the sister of the acting captain, artist Ashraf ZakiShe has participated in a large number of dramas, films and plays. But what many of the audience do not know is that Magda Zaki was married to the great artist Kamal Abu Raya.

Where the artist, Magda Zaki, married at the beginning of her life in 1988 to the artist Kamal Abu Raya, and their marriage lasted for many years, and this marriage resulted in 3 sons, Habiba, Kamal and Ahmed, and they separated from each other in 2014, after a marriage that lasted 20 years.

Kamal Abu Raya revealed, in previous television statements, the reason for his separation from his wife, the artist Magda Zaki, where he said: “She was helping me a lot and our separation affected me a lot because of my love for my children, and no one is infallible.”

The artist, Kamal Abu Raya, apologized during his hosting of the “One of the People” program on the “Al-Hayat” channel, presented by the media, Amr Al-Leithi, saying: “I made a mistake, but she changed a lot and I felt that she was not the wife I chose in the beginning .. I married her for certain reasons and I loved her.” For certain needs, but I was surprised that this is not what I chose.”

The artist, Kamal Abu Raya, had previously published on his personal account on social networking sites, pictures of his children in childhood and youth.

The artist’s son also appeared with his mother, Magda Zaki, in pictures taken during the celebration of the star Ilham Shaheen’s birthday in 2018, where a large number of her colleagues in the artistic community attended, including the artist Magda Zaki and her eldest son “Kamal” from her divorced artist Kamal Abu Rayya.

In the photos, a son appeared very similar to her, to the point of matching, as a large number of social media pioneers commented about the great resemblance that Magda brings to her young son, “Kamal”, considering that he did not inherit any resemblance from his father.

It is noteworthy that the Egyptian actress Magda Zaki is the sister of the captain of the acting professions, the artist Ashraf Zaki, and she has participated in a large number of dramatic, cinematic and theatrical works.

Among her dramatic works are: “The strength of the hearts, O God, I am fasting, the plot of the mother-in-law, my right to my neck, generous and generous, your words are commands, the white Abbas on the black day, the Attar and the seven daughters, the Hajj family is in charge, O men of the world unite, the other man, who does not love Fatima, Nights of Helmeya.

She also participated in a number of cinematic works, including: “The Terrorist, Mabrouk and Bulbul, Terror and Kebab,” and among her theatrical works: “Hand me, Afroto, Alabanda.”

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These were the details of the news You will not believe the beauty of Magda Zaki’s daughter, 20 years after her divorce from her big star husband. You will not expect who he is! For this day, we hope that we have succeeded in giving you the full details and information. To follow all our news, you can subscribe to the alerts system or to one of our different systems to provide you with all that is new.

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