‘You made me that’

ANPMayor Aboutaleb said goodbye at a free festival

NOS Nieuws•zondag, 18:59

He still has a few weeks to go, but today Rotterdam already said goodbye to Ahmed Aboutaleb. He was mayor of the Maasstad for over 15 years, on October 1 the official chain will come off. “But as a Rotterdammer I will stay, that is what you made me.”

For the occasion, there was a free festival in the Park under the Euromast this afternoon. An afternoon full of music, dance, sports activities and workshops where the ‘best mayor in the world’ shook hundreds of hands and was given countless notes and drawings.

Lee Towers, who had actually already stopped singing, sang into his golden microphone You’ll never walk alone for the mayor.

Aboutaleb then took the floor himself:

Lots of selfies and a performance by Lee Towers at Aboutaleb’s farewell

Aboutaleb expressed his gratitude. “You supported me, you enriched me with ideas, you corrected me when I said or thought the wrong thing. I take my hat off to that.” His speech was also full of praise for Rotterdam. “A city where you can meet the whole world, where there are opportunities, and where a migrant can become mayor.” He will therefore continue to live in the city.

A piece of advice and a request

Finally, he had “a little piece of advice and a request”. That ‘piece of advice’ was a plea for solidarity. “Division weakens. Solidarity gives strength.”

Mayor Aboutaleb will be succeeded by former minister Carola Schouten. His request was about her. “She is a fantastic person with a beautiful heart. Stand around her and make her the mayor of Rotterdam as soon as possible.”



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