You encountered an animal on the road: is it necessary to call the police? | Business

This is due to animal migration starting in April, during which animals appear more often on the roads, as well as the not always careful behavior of drivers. Experts talk regarding how to behave in the event of an encounter with an animal and what contacts to contact if an accident cannot be avoided.

Damages amount to tens of thousands of euros

The risk of encountering an animal that ran onto the road remains at every time of the year, but spring and autumn are characterized by an increased probability of such traffic accidents. Statistical data show that the number of such collisions begins to grow in April and remains high throughout the second quarter of the year – according to the data of the insurance company ERGO, in 2023 in the months of April – June, almost a third of all encounters with wild animals that occurred during the year were recorded.

“Last year, in these three months alone, we recorded 187 reports of traffic accidents in which vehicles collided with animals. On average, this is two encounters with animals per day. As a result, we paid out more than 380 thousand to our clients. EUR, and the average damage from a collision with a wild animal exceeded EUR 2,000”, says Raimondas Bieliauskas, head of ERGO’s transport claims administration department.

ERGO photo/Raimondas_Bieliauskas

The expert notices that the greatest damage is caused when encountering large wild animals – deer or roe deer, wild boars. Last year, a deer that jumped in front of a car damaged the vehicle so much that the insurance payout amounted to 17 thousand. euros. More than one case was recorded when the damage caused to vehicles by pregnant deer exceeded 15 thousand. euros.

The police must be notified

The representative of the insurance company reminds that in the event of an encounter with a wild animal, the police should always be informed (by calling the emergency services number 112). Upon arrival, the police officers will properly register the traffic incident so that CASKO insurance can compensate for the losses incurred.

Laima Grižaitė, head of the Communication Department of the Department of Environmental Protection, says that wild animals are owned by the state, so if an animal is injured or killed, road traffic rules oblige to report it to the police.

“After reporting an injured or dead animal, emergency services specialists contact the managers of the hunting areas in that area – the hunting group or club. It is the hunters, as regulated by the Hunting Law, who are entrusted with taking care of injured or dead animals,” says the specialist.

She reminds that it is forbidden to take a downed animal, regardless of its size – if the animal or its parts are taken without reporting it in the prescribed manner, it is considered that the animal or its parts were taken illegally, which may entail administrative responsibility.

The best prevention is a safe speed

According to experts, you should not approach an injured animal for safety reasons – an injured animal may get scared and start trying to run, which may endanger other road users and the driver himself. According to R. Bieliauskas, the safest thing to do is to pull over to the side of the road and place an emergency stop sign and wait for the help to arrive in the car.

“It is often possible to avoid a collision with an animal in general – the most important thing is to observe the warning signs on the road and choose a lower speed than the maximum permissible on dangerous road sections. Especially in the dark, when you need more time to notice the animal near the road or on it”, says R. Bieliauskas.

L. Grižaitė also agrees with him, reminding that if you see a wild animal on the road or near it, you should reduce your speed and avoid approaching the animal. When trying to scare the animal, you should not scare it by signaling with short or long lights, because the behavior of a blinded animal is completely unpredictable – it is better to press the sound signal in short bursts.

It is important to slow down, drive carefully and stay alert, especially when driving in wooded areas. You should choose a speed at which you feel safe while driving and have enough time to stop if an animal suddenly runs out onto the road.

#encountered #animal #road #call #police #Business
2024-04-26 07:28:38



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