A face to face meeting that lasted an hour and forty minutes. Manfred Weber arrived at Palazzo Chigi after meeting the minister, as well as candidate commissioner in pectore for Italy, Raffaele Fitto: “It was a good meeting, as always…”, he told reporters before entering. The relationship with Giorgia Meloni is consolidated and the harmony is palpable, on the table – sources from the presidency explain – the priorities of the new European legislature for a Commission – the prime minister reiterated to the number one of the EPP – that inaugurates and carries forward a new phase that is more pragmatic and less ideological, that does even less, if necessary, but decidedly better. We therefore talk about competitiveness, the strategic agenda, the Green Deal and the many issues that will mark the pace of the new legislature. “Italy is having trouble in its relations with Europe after choosing not to vote for von der Leyen. Italy needs a solid, dialoguing and participatory relationship with Europe,” Luciano Fontana told In onda, the politics and current affairs program on La7. Giovanni Donzelli replied to the journalist.
“I hope that there will be maximum representation for Italy. Historically, executive vice-presidencies did not exist. They are a novelty of the previous mandate and Italy did not have an executive vice-presidency. If Italy were to ever have one, it would be an extraordinary success but I would not burden it with the fact that, in the case in which either there were no executive vice-presidencies or Italy were not to have one, it would be a failure because Italy did not have an executive vice-presidency”, declared the deputy and national head of the Fratelli d’Italia organization. “None of those great commentators said ‘Italy is isolated’. These months have not started badly in the relationship with Europe, they have started in a frank way. They would have started badly if, after the electoral campaign that allowed us to say not to give in to green theories and follies, we had said ‘Let’s go arm in arm with the Greens’. I remember that Giorgia Meloni had an excellent relationship with Draghi and we were in opposition. To have a good relationship and gain respect, you don’t always have to be a doormat”, he added.
#dont #doormat #Tempo
2024-08-29 03:46:17