You can write fiction too, learn ten ways to write fiction

You can write fiction too, learn ten ways to write fiction

Read what you want to write. If you want to write a historical novel, read historical novels by big and small writers.

If you like romance writing, see what other people have written about the topic and how they wrote it. This does not mean that you should limit yourself to only one genre, you should be aware of other categories as well, but you must be an expert on the topic that you want to write about specifically. You should, and sixty to seventy percent of the books you read should be on your chosen subject.

Write daily
This principle is the most important and central. Don’t wait for inspiration or inspiration to write. Set aside a specific time for yourself every day, even if it’s just half an hour. Use this time only for writing, and during this time free yourself from all distractions and distractions and focus on writing with full concentration. The advantage of writing at the same time every day is that the rest of the time your subconscious will continue to work on the same topic and when you sit down to write, inspiration will automatically come out like a ripe mango.

Drop by drop river
When you see a novel of three hundred pages, you may think that this is a very difficult task, it can never be a disease of my bus. The solution is to not think about the entire novel at once. Focus only on the scene you are writing at the moment. Even if you write two pages a day, which is not a difficult task even in this busy life, the draft of the novel will be completed in just six months.

First draft hot
When you start working on a novel, just keep writing. Don’t look too critically at your writing. Just focus more on getting his story into writing as quickly as possible. In this way, your subconscious mind will support you and many such twists and turns in the story will come automatically which you did not even think about in the beginning.

Second draft cool
When the first draft is complete, set it aside for a few days or weeks. Then it’s time to bring out your inner harshest critic. Look at the novel critically. Correct any swings within the plot. Adjust the tip of the tongue. After the second draft is completed, read it again with a critical lens and make revisions if necessary. Repeat this process until your draft is polished and shiny. All great writers produce four, four, five, five, sometimes more drafts of their novel.

Don’t tell, show
When writing fiction, it is impossible to absorb the reader into the story and characters. Therefore, instead of telling everything like a lecture, try to use such language that all the senses of the reader are attracted towards it. For this, not only seeing, but also hearing, smelling, tasting and touching senses should be made a part of the writing. For example, if you want to show the scene of a room, while writing about it, also think about the sounds/smells that were there. In the same way, try to use the sense of taste and touch of the characters. This does not mean that all these senses should be described in the same scene, but if they are used in places in the writing, it will attract the attention of the reader. It can work like a magnet.

Show ruthlessness
Remove all parts from your writing that do not contribute to the main story. If you’ve spent two pages describing a sunset or birds chirping in a garden, but they don’t advance the story or give us information about a character, they don’t belong in the novel. . Cut them up mercilessly and throw them away. No matter how thick the book is, there should be no room for redundancy.

Simple language, simple statement
Always remember that simple language and simple style of expression are the hallmarks of good writing. If a long word and a short word have the same meaning, choose the short word. If a difficult word and an easy word are the same, choose the easy word. Similarly, keep sentences short and simple. However, the length of sentences can be kept shorter or longer depending on the story so that the reader does not feel monotonous when reading sentences of the same duration.

When you are satisfied with your writing, be sure to get feedback from a few friends and people whose opinions you trust. Revise your writing in the light of the advice and suggestions you receive from them. If a piece of advice sounds good, especially if it’s been given by more than one person, there’s nothing wrong with modifying your writing in light of it. But the ultimate control over the book should be yours because it is your book.

Thick skin
Don’t be afraid of criticism. Remember that most of the great writers of the world have been told in the beginning that you do not know how to write, you should leave this work and take up another hobby. If those writers had tolerated such negative criticism and stopped writing, the literature of the world would have been very weak today.

Bonus drops
Novel writing is an art, not a science, so there are no rules or absolutes in it. So if you want to deviate from any of the above rules, do so with gusto, just make sure you know what the rule is, and what you gain by breaking it.

#write #fiction #learn #ten #ways #write #fiction
2024-08-19 05:44:15



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