2023-09-10 13:50:47


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

France 2

L. Gublin, D. Sébastien, J.-M. Lequertier, J.-P; Rivalain, L. Haedrich, N. Murviedro

France Televisions

Few of us know how to correctly carry out all these actions that can save lives. The Red Cross aims to train 80% of the population.

And you, would you know how to do first aid? According to a survey, only 40% of French people are trained in first aid. So how can we do better? In this Red Cross premises, there were nine of them that day, all volunteers to train in life-saving actions, through very concrete scenarios. They are between 17 and 44 years old, all regret not having been trained earlier, or more regularly.

On-the-job training

Although some have not received it, training in first aid has been compulsory since 2006 in the school curriculum. As for booster shots, might they be given in the workplace? In the Lyon region, employees of this SME are learning how to use a defibrillator. Two hours to learn the basics. Intensifying training, even very short ones, is essential today.

#save #lives



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