you can now easily create your own stickers on iPhone

2024-01-12 17:00:30

Mark Zuckerberg’s messaging app for iOS has officially announced a new feature on his account Instagram. After recently adding pins for messages, as well as ephemeral voice messages, the Meta branch now allows iPhone users to create their own stickers (ou stickers).

© WhatsApp

Create stickers from your photos

The new functionality, for example, allows you to easily turn a photo of your dog into a sticker, or modify an existing sticker. To do this, WhatsApp provides its suite of editing tools, which offers the ability to add text, draw, or even superimpose several stickers. To illustrate this more concretely, here is an example image:

© WhatsApp

Want to try? We give you the procedure to follow below.

Create your own sticker from an image

If you want to create a sticker from one of your photos, or any image, you must first access your stickers on WhatsApp. Once this is done, select “Create a sticker”then, from your gallery, select the image you would like to transform.

You will then have the possibility to personalize your new sticker as you wish, within the limits of what is of course possible. You can remove the background, then as said aboveyou can draw on it, add another sticker, or add text.

Edit a sticker

To customize an existing sticker, access your stickers, hold down for a long enough time on the sticker you would like to change in order to bring up the customization option, the latter is called “ edit sticker “. Once it appears, you can tap it and transform the sticker however you want. – Official app

By: Keleops AG

#easily #create #stickers #iPhone

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