You can grow older without taking medicine starting from the age of 40

You can grow older without taking medicine starting from the age of 40

2024-06-18 11:06:55

Dr. de Jaeger is interested in aging. This process is part of aging, starting from the age of 18-20, gradually reducing our physiological abilities, weakening them and causing us to suffer from chronic diseases of old age… Through this work, the author invites us not to become loyal consumers of pharmaceuticals, but We need to take care of our health capital from the age of 40. Combined with nutritional and exercise recommendations, it assesses the basic concepts of biological age, leading us towards what it claims is the most promising path for the near future, namely the effects of activating certain enzymes in our cells on our mitochondria, or mitochondria .

Also Read This Time, Human Evidence: Calorie Restriction Slows Aging

Also read Longevity, Exercise Let Genetics Lie

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