Yoram Gaon reveals: Naomi Shemer called to say goodbye to me – and I didn’t answer

The singer Naomi Shemer passed away twenty years ago. One of her close friends, singer Yehoram Gaon, recently revealed that Shemer asked to say goodbye to him before her death, but Gaon simply missed the conversation because he did not understand the importance of the matter.

The late Naomi Shemer, photo: Flash 90

“She wanted to say goodbye, and you didn’t answer for three days”

“I have a sad story,” the singer said on the “Perak Gimel” program, “There was a week when his uncle Elharar, a soulmate, called me for three days in a row. And I have no explanation, it happens sometimes that you don’t answer, and I didn’t answer. At her funeral in Kinneret he asked, ‘Where have you been for three days?’ I asked, ‘Why, what did you want?’

The realization that he missed the farewell call to his close friend, a few days before her death, shocked Yoram Gaon. He continued and described the feeling: “Have you ever felt the sky falling on your head? That’s exactly what I felt.”



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