‘Yoo Hyeon-cheol♥’ 10th Oksoon “She should appear in ‘Doll Singles’… Rhinoplasty YES – Eyes NO”

▲ Source | Oksoon Instagram

[스포티비뉴스=유은비 기자] The 10th class Oksoon revealed her honest thoughts along with the facts regarding plastic surgery.

Recently, Oksoon had time to communicate with fans through her Instagram story, ‘Ask Anything’.

When asked by a fan, “What do you think is the prettiest part?”, Oksoon answered “eyes” and said, “I didn’t have surgery.” He said, “But my double eyelids are different from the past photos and now, so they said they didn’t do it. So, did you have a cannula? It seems thicker.” I didn’t do anything,” he explained.

Still, when asked, “Have you had nose surgery? I’m asking because it’s pretty,” he coolly acknowledged the fact of the nose surgery, saying, “It was before you did this, and it was ten years ago. Do you think you did well? Things the hospital can’t tell you are gone.”

In response to the question, “Did you only apply for ‘I’m Solo’ instead of ‘Doll Singles’? , I was burdened because I felt like I had to mention the person (the reason for the divorce)”, but honestly added, “I also have a little bit of regret right now.”

In addition to this, Oksoon revealed her affection for Yoo Hyun-chul with a short and bold answer of “cool” to the question “Please tell me just one charm of Yoo Hyun-chul” and created a sweet atmosphere by revealing the storage name “I LUV Yu”.

Meanwhile, Oksoon, who appeared in the 10th Dolsing special of ‘I’m Solo’, and Yoo Hyunchul, who appeared in ‘Doll Singles’, admitted to dating last month. Oksoon is a single mother raising her 7-year-old son alone, while Yoo Hyeon-chul is raising her 8-year-old daughter.



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