Yonne wants to take advantage of the Games to shine

2024-01-15 11:10:28

Yonne has proudly worn the Terre de Jeux 2024 label since November 2019 and is one of the stage departments of the
Torch Relay wants to promote this double Olympic recognition, with a new territorial brand: Yonne 24.

Land of Games, Yonne takes advantage of its Olympic recognition to promote its territory 1
Very close to Paris, Yonne seduces with its diversity @David Savary

Committed to promoting the territory and its stakeholders, Yonne 24new territory brand, aims to unite all the active forces of Yonne, communities, businesses, associations around the Olympic values ​​of friendship, respect and excellence, and Paralympic values, namely determination, equality , inspiration and courage. The parallel creation of the Yonne 24 Partners Club is part of an ambitious partnership approach to promote the territories, events, businesses and Icaunais products. It is the desire to impose a logic
of joint projects, through consultation and mutual aid in order to promote Yonne, to make known and share
l’excellence icaunaise.

Seven Icaunese cities will receive the Olympic flame
Yonne will host the Torch Relay in 7 cities: Auxerre, Avallon, Chablis, Migennes, Saint-Fargeau, Sens and Vézelay. The 3 major objectives of the relay for the department are: to widely engage the Icaunais by offering a popular relay, open to all to announce the arrival of the Games in France; to highlight the territory, its know-how and its heritage while respecting the environment.

Promote those who exercise daily

Cyril Carré : A unique sporting record
Junior world champion in K1 marathon in 2002, World Champion in K2 H1000m with Philippe Colin in 2007, World Champion in K1 sprint marathon in 2019, European Champion under 23 in K1 over 1000m in 2007, 49 titles French Champion over different distances and
categories. And it was at the Olympic CanoëKayak Auxerrois, on the Yonne, that Cyrille trained to win these titles.

Pierre Motal: Physical and mental strength
The strongest man in France is from Icaunais! Out of the norm, out of everything… Pierre Motal is a force, not of nature, but of work and determination. To pull a 19 ton semi-trailer 20 meters, carry a 120 kg ball of concrete, turn over a 450 kg tire, carry an anvil over several
meters, Pierre therefore cultivates his mind. This surpassing oneself pays off: French strongman champion, event organized by the French Strong Men Federation, in the category of over 105 kg, five consecutive years since 2019.

#Yonne #advantage #Games #shine

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