Yolanda Díaz warns that whoever “makes the labor reform fail” will have to explain it “to the workers

Díaz assures that the labor reform puts

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Díaz assures that the labor reform puts an end to the contract for works and services

The Second Vice President of the Government of Spain and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Diaz, has warned that whoever “makes the labor reform fail” will have to “explain it to the workers” since it is a rule to which it is “very difficult” to say “no”.

This is what Díaz has asserted in an interview with the newspaper The country, in which he insisted that the reform, which has the objective of “tackling temporality” and “correcting precariousness”, is “difficult to knock down”.

“Whoever makes it fail will have to explain to the workers in Cádiz or those who are not negotiating their agreement why the ultractivity preferred by the previous norm has ended. Or they will have to tell the chambermaids or the private security workers of multi-service companies that will continue to receive the minimum wage, (…) or a precarious one that instead of having a stable contract will continue with a two-day contract “, has warned.

In this sense, he has asked the parties to assess “well” what the new norm entails and has referred directly to the leader of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, to regret that he has shown his refusal to the measure. “Besides a huge mistake, I think it hurts Spain “, he has criticized, to add that the opposition is a “wasteland”.

Díaz has emphasized the importance of the agreement with the employers and the unions, an agreement that he has “prioritized” despite the fact that he would have liked to do other things and in which the greatest obstacle has been temporality, since it marks a model in the that there will be a “brutal trend reversal” in this regard, where “the contracts are going to be stable and they are going to be presumed to be indefinite”.

“For me it would have been easier to do it unilaterally, but I wanted this agreement to come out with the agreement of the social agents,” he added in this regard, to stress that in the nine months of debate the negotiating table has presented a “enormous sensitivity”. He has even indicated that it has been “altered two or three times” for “reasons beyond the control” of the Ministry of Labor.

On the other hand, he has reported that the European Commission has been “very on top” of the negotiation and has participated in “intense” conversations in more than 70 meetings, but “at no time” has he put “any obstacle” to the standard.

Díaz has also expressed his “absolute gratitude” to the Government for its collaboration in the labor reform and has highlighted the “determining” role of the Minister of Finance and Public Function, Maria Jesus Montero.

Along the same lines, he has pointed out that this rule “was not easy” for the current Executive, in it, he has recognized, “there are many voices” and “many ways of thinking.”

The minister has also indicated that in the dialogue she has ensured that she complied with her “agreements” and, therefore, there has been no debate regarding the dismissal, since despite the fact that United We can try to incorporate it into the Government agreement with the PSOE , this one did not accept it. However, he has argued that the reform has “raised the protection for dismissal” and it is made to “avoid” them.



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