Yoga and meditation in the office: ancient practices transforming organizations

2023-05-05 13:38:14

Yoga is an ancient practice originating in India, which seeks balance between body, mind and spirit through physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation. It is a philosophy that proposes self-knowledge and personal development.

BKS Iyengar, a yoga teacher known for developing and popularizing the Iyengar yoga technique, believed that “yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life”. For him, yoga is a complete practice that involves the whole human being, providing physical, emotional and spiritual balance. He also emphasized that the practice of yoga is not limited to the mat, but should be taken into everyday life, bringing benefits to health and well-being in all aspects of life.

Benefits of practicing yoga and meditation in the corporate environment

According to Analu Matsubara, senior specialist in Iyengar yoga and one of the main references in Latin America with more than 25 years of experience, the practice of yoga and meditation can bring a series of benefits to the mental health and well-being of employees in the environment corporate. Among the main benefits, it is possible to highlight:

– Stress and Anxiety Reduction: The practice of yoga and meditation is known for its ability to calm the mind and reduce levels of stress and anxiety, which are common problems in the workplace.

– Increased concentration and productivity: The practice of yoga and meditation can help improve the ability to concentrate and reduce distractions, which can lead to increased productivity and efficiency at work.

– Improved sleep quality: many employees face sleep-related problems, such as insomnia and difficulty relaxing after an intense day at work. Practicing yoga and meditation can help improve sleep quality, providing deeper, more restorative sleep.

According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care, patients with metastatic breast cancer showed improvement in sleep quality and a significant reduction in distress scales after practicing yoga for three months.

Correlating this result to the corporate environment, the regular practice of yoga can increase energy, productivity and improve the quality of sleep of workers.

– Promotion of emotional well-being: the practice can help promote greater emotional balance, reducing anxiety, stress and irritability, and improving self-esteem and confidence.

– Provide full attention: it is a technique that helps to stay focused on the present moment, without judgments and distractions. With this practice, it is possible to improve employee performance, increase creativity, develop communication and leadership skills, in addition to enabling employees to better deal with pressures and challenges at work.

“You can practice meditation and develop self-awareness when sitting in a quiet park with ease. But when you’re busy, your life is dominated by thoughts and it’s hard to be present and attentive. When you practice asana, pranayama and pratyahara you learn to be free and develop awareness throughout your body as you are engaged in your action. Thus you will become present and aware of all circumstances”, quotes BKS Iyengar, in his book “The Tree of Yoga”.

Adapting the practice to the needs of employees

So that the benefits of yoga practice can be enjoyed by employees, it is important that companies adapt the practice to their specific needs. For example, it may be necessary to offer classes aimed at pregnant women, those who spend many hours sitting or those looking to improve the quality of their sleep. In addition, it is essential to provide adequate space and equipment for the practice.

Challenges and limitations of practice in the corporate environment

Despite the benefits, companies can face some challenges when trying to implement workplace wellness programs. Some of these challenges include the lack of adequate physical space and equipment, the resistance of some employees to adopting the practice and the difficulty of fitting the practice into the daily work routine.

In addition, it is important for companies to consider the range of experiences and skill levels of employees in relation to the practice of yoga and meditation. That’s why it’s critical that wellness programs are tailored to suit different skill and experience levels, from beginners to more advanced practitioners.

Another challenge is to guarantee the quality and safety of the practices offered. It is important that yoga and meditation teachers are qualified and experienced, and that classes are held in a safe and supervised environment.

How companies can incorporate the practice of yoga and meditation into their corporate culture

Despite its popularity, many companies still don’t know how to incorporate this practice into their corporate culture. The first measure that companies can adopt is the creation of wellness policies, for which they can include offering yoga and meditation classes, flexible hours for the practice of these activities, or even encouraging the adoption of healthy practices and balanced in the day-to-day of employees.

In addition, it is important for companies to encourage employee participation in the activities offered, providing regular classes and trained professionals to guide the practice. Companies can hire yoga and meditation instructors to offer classes at predetermined times, or even make videos and materials available online so that employees can practice when it’s more convenient.

Another important point is the creation of a welcoming and safe environment for the practice of yoga and meditation. This includes providing a suitable space for practice, such as a meditation room or quiet outdoor space, and ensuring that employees feel comfortable participating in activities without fear of judgment or stigma.


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