Yiannis Kalatzopoulos and Varvara Doukas for the position of Artistic Director – 2024-04-23 11:42:36

The deadline for submitting applications for the position of Artistic Director of DIPETHE Patras is approaching and still, as far as the files that have arrived at the Theater’s offices are concerned, movement is slow.

The first file that arrived at the DIPETHE offices, four days before the deadline, is that of the well-known actor, Yannis Kalatzopoulosalso known as the “prodigy child” of ancient Greek cinema.

In the theater for adults he played important children’s roles, with teachers and directors Alexis Minotis, Karolos Koun, Vassilis Diamantopoulos and Dino Dimopoulos. He studied at the Drama School as an outstanding talent, alongside the High School, with teachers Grigoris Vafias, Costas Baka, Eleni Zafiriou, Vera Zavicianou, Lambros Kostopoulos, Dimitris Konstantinidis and Kostis Meranaios.

As a professional actor, he played first and second roles in the Myrat-Zoumboulaki troupe, in the Greek People’s Theater of Manos Katrakis, in the Ellis Lampeti troupe, in the National Theater, in KTHBE, in the Stoa Theater, in the Theater Stage, in the DIPETHE of Ioannina, Corfu and Crete, in the troupe of G. Kimoulis and in many cooperative troupes and groups (Theatre of the People, Free Artists, Theater of Youth, Theater of the Street, Group of Contemporary Art, etc.). He graduated from Panteio (1973) and Athens Law School (1976) and attended theater directing courses at the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica in Rome (1985-87).

He has directed over sixty theater performances for adults and children at the National Theatre, KTHBE, DIPETHE of Ioannina, Komotini, Corfu and Crete, as well as in many private or cooperative troupes of the Society of Greek Actors. Since 1982, he has been managing the Contemporary Art Group, within which the Children’s Curtain also operated until recently. He was president of SEH (1990-92), director of the Children’s Home of the National Theater (2004), president of the Hellenic Theater Center for Children and Youth and the Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the State Awards for children’s theater work. He has adapted and staged for children’s audiences works by Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Moliere, Ibsen, Lorca, etc. He has published “The clothes of the king” by Kastaniotis Publications.

Another name that is heard and comes to be added to what has been heard so far is hers Varvaras Doukasalso known from her career as Artistic Director of DIPETHE Corfu.

He has taught at schools and seminars in Greece and abroad: Directing Performing Arts, Ancient Tragedy, Acting and Improvisation. Since 2009, he directs the training program and the Pitching Lab of the Festival
Short Drama.

He has prepared Cultural Management and Performing Art Management Programs in European Programs as well as plans for the penetration of cultural activities in local communities.

DIPETHE Patras: Yiannis Kalatzopoulos and Varvara Doukas for the position of Artistic Director

In 1990, he founded the ‘Selanna Theater Company’ with founding members L. Anagnostakis, G. Heimonas, Z. Dizikirikis, D. Lagios and others. Some of the works he has directed in Greece and abroad: ‘Parade’ by L. Anagnostaki, ‘Amarga’ by M. Lymperakis, ‘The General in his Labyrinth’ by G. Garcia Marquez, ‘They kill horses when they are old’ by O. McCoy, ‘Penelope’ by J. Joyce, ‘Easter Games’ by B. Ziogas, ‘Accident’ by G. Chrysoulis, ‘Night of the Iguana’ by T. Williams, ‘The Wall’ by A. Sevastakis, ‘Trainspotting’ by I. Welsh, ‘The Time that we knew nothing regarding each other’ by P. Handke, ‘Feed me Emma’ by Z. Rocha, ‘Perses’ by Aeschylus, ‘I remember Maria’ by Meni Koumandareas, ‘An Iliad’ by Lisa Petersen, etc. .

She has published the poetry collection ‘Autologous Grafts’ – Thucydides 1984. Her book ‘Establishing a world – Basic Directing Lessons’ is under publication by Ohto publications, and the poetry collection ‘A.C.T’ a collection
satirical poems regarding the time of the Pandemic.

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#Yiannis #Kalatzopoulos #Varvara #Doukas #position #Artistic #Director



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