Yeusvi Flores: Don’t succumb to heat stroke; what it is and how to avoid it

Yeusvi Flores: Don’t succumb to heat stroke; what it is and how to avoid it

Heat stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. This disorder is particularly dangerous during the summer and in places with hot climates such as our State.

Also known as hyperthermia, it occurs when the core body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius (104°F). This condition is potentially life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Heat stroke can result from two main situations:

Classic heat stroke: This usually occurs in older people, infants, or individuals with chronic illnesses who are in hot environments for prolonged periods.

Exertional heat stroke: affects young, healthy people who perform intense physical activities in very hot conditions.

Symptoms of heat stroke include: very high body temperature (above 40°C), hot and dry skin to the touch (no sweating), confusion, agitation or disorientation, dizziness and fainting, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, rapid heart rate and shallow breathing, and sometimes seizures.

Preventing heat stroke is possible with simple but effective measures:

Staying hydrated is essential.

Drink water regularly, even if you are not thirsty.

Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine.

Wear light-colored, lightweight clothing, hats, and sunglasses.

Avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Stay in shaded areas, especially during peak heat hours (10am to 4pm).

Use of sunscreen.

Keep your home and workplace cool.

Take regular breaks in cool, shaded areas during prolonged outdoor activities.

How to act?

If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, act quickly: Call 911. Contact emergency services immediately. Move the person to a cool place. Use cold compresses, fans, or cold baths to lower body temperature. If the person is conscious, offer water, but avoid giving fluids if the person is unconscious.

Heat stroke is a serious condition that can be prevented with simple, conscious measures. Planning activities during cooler times is a key step in protecting yourself from heat stroke. In case of emergency, act quickly and seek medical attention to prevent serious complications.

Remember, prevention is the key to enjoying summer safely and healthily. Keep these tips in mind and share them with friends and family to ensure everyone is protected during the hot days.

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2024-08-22 09:01:10



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