yes, but with what workforce?

2023-06-20 10:03:00

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According to Emmanuel Macron, “reindustrializing France is the mother of battles”. However, industrial companies have a hard time recruiting…

By François Miguet President Emmanuel Macron during a visit to the Safran Aircraft Engines site at the Paris-Villaroche business hub, near Melun (Seine-et-Marne), June 16, 2023. © Gonzalo Fuentes/ AFP Published on 06/20/2023 at 12:03

His usual black aviator model glasses placed on his nose, the general manager of Bpifrance, Nicolas Dufourcq, presented Monday, June 19, with his team, the last economic study of this armed arm of the State for the financing of the French economic fabric.

In this case, an unprecedented survey conducted among 2,454 managers of industrial companies employing between 10 and 5,000 employees. The theme: “In a sector in which recruitment is under pressure, such as industry, and in a context where France wishes to accelerate its reindustrialisation, what recourse do business leaders have to foreign labour?” »

“While visiting the field, I realized how much our manufacturers employ foreigners” launched, in the preamble, the boss of Bpifrance, citing in particular…

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