Yemen: 16 soldiers killed, others injured in terrorist car bomb attack targeting STC camp

In this regard, the official spokesman for the “Southern Armed Forces”, Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Al-Naqeeb, issued an important statement about this terrorist bombing, which stated: “Today, in a cowardly criminal act, our Southern Armed Forces in Mudiyah District, Abyan Governorate, were subjected to a terrorist operation targeting our heroes from the Third Support and Reinforcement Brigade, with a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber and carrying hundreds of kilograms of highly explosive materials, and a group of righteous heroes were killed as a result.”

The statement added: “This treacherous terrorist operation comes as a result of political escalation and terrorist provocative rhetoric targeting our southern armed forces and the Southern Transitional Council, in addition to the false and malicious mobilization and recruitment driven by political money to finance terrorism in the south and fueled by hostile media and propaganda aimed at destabilizing security and stability and passing suspicious projects targeting the cause of the people of the south and breaking their national liberation will and undermining the steadfastness and stability of their shield, immunity and the sword of victory of their valiant armed forces.”

Major Mohammed Al-Naqeeb added: “At this moment when we mourn our heroic martyrs and pray for mercy, forgiveness and a speedy recovery for the wounded and injured, we affirm that these heinous terrorist crimes and those who incite and finance them will not pass without deterrent punishment.”

He added: “This terrorist operation, which coincided with the second anniversary of the launch of Operation Arrows of the East, places great national and popular duties and obligations before our southern armed forces to continue the mission of eradicating terrorism and continuing the fateful battle, as long as there are those on our pure land who try to target its security, stability and the lives of its citizens.”

He added: “We pledge to our people that our battle against terrorism will continue to be victorious and more powerful than before, as long as the hostile forces continue with this approach based on using terrorism and its elements as tools for killing and political blackmail aimed at subjugating and undermining the cause of our southern people in terrorist occupation projects as has been the custom for three decades.”

The official spokesman for the “Southern Armed Forces” continued: “We pledge to our martyrs and our southern people that our armed and security forces, which were created in the battles of national liberation, have been built to fight their wars with patience, endurance, long breath and a firm will that has not and will not deviate from its goals, responsibility and the aspirations of our southern people by an inch, whatever the price we must pay.”

Source: RT + “Press 24 Net”

#Yemen #soldiers #killed #injured #terrorist #car #bomb #attack #targeting #STC #camp
2024-08-18 13:31:36



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