Yellows for Chile in “Red Alert” for new Constitution: Warnken agrees to read draft | Special

Sunday May 22, 2022 | 16:32

Cristián Warnken reiterated his questioning of the constituent process, assuring that it has overtones of “radical left” and that they still have the last hope that in the harmonization changes will be made in the draft of the proposal. Likewise, he promised that the Yellows for Chile will read the final text and ask themselves if it is good or not for the country, following which they will make a decision on Approval or Rejection.

The group called “Yellows for Chile” declared themselves in Red Alert for the draft of the new constitution.

Cristián Warnken, one of its representatives, told Canal 13 that the current scenario in the country is one of “polarization”, since, in his opinion, the constitution “Instead of uniting us, it will divide us.”

Likewise, he assured that they have the last hope that, in the harmonization process, the conventional “they directed the constitution in a maximalist direction, say, ‘we expose ourselves first to rejection and to divide the countrys””.

Warnken assured that “we are not calling for an Approve or Reject vote at this time. We said from the beginning that we will give our opinion at the end of the process”.

They await the process of harmonization of the proposal for a new Constitution

Moreover, he announced that between July 4 and 6, when the harmonization of the text is finished, they will define “If the effort that we are calling for now was made.”

Specifically, it aims -for example- to eliminate the term Judicial System and continue with Judicial Power and to modify “the excess of indigenist burden that is in the constitution”.

He also questioned the plurinational state and the political system that he called “a monstrosity.”

“What bothers me the most is that an important part of the country feels excluded from this constitution.In other words, the same thing happens with the constitution of 1980″, he added.

In the event of winning the rejection, Warnken stated that “there are institutional channels, Congress has constitutional power, a committee of experts can be called, there are many ways out, many alternatives.”

Agrees to read draft

Similarly, he stated that “This constitution is not center-left, it has a radical left tint”, and that “it is experimental”.

He even indicated that he would have opted for “a more reformist constitution, which changed from a subsidiary state to a social one of law, but not passing us to the top on issues that divide Chileans,” he insisted.

He also promised that “Yellows is going to read the draft and we are going to ask ourselves the question: Is this final draft good for the country or is it bad?

And finally added that “We must play down any of the two options, we all have to collaborate to put cold cloths and not approach a political war.”



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