2023-06-10 02:26:15
The past day in Yekaterinburg was 3.4 degrees behind the norm, the maximum daily temperature was +16.5 degrees. On the followingnoon of June 10, +21… +23 degrees is expected, but in the next two days the air will warm up no higher than +16 degrees in the daytime and from +5… +10 degrees at night. It will get a little warmer on June 13, up to +19 degrees. On the followingnoon of the 14th, +24 degrees is expected, on June 15 it will be around +26 degrees.
As the chief forecaster of the Sverdlovsk region Galina Sheporenko said earlier, cool days will last until the 20th of June.
#Frosts #Sverdlovsk #region #June