Yehuda Fox, champion of the concept

Outgoing Central Command Colonel Yehuda Fox gave a sharp political speech at his retirement ceremony, because what Colonel Ofer Winter is not allowed to do when he is “no longer in uniform” – Colonel Fox is allowed to do when he is “in uniform”. Everything depends on the object of the review.

Fox said in his speech that he felt feelings of failure and shame for “not living up to our life’s mission and not fulfilling our clear part in the unwritten contract between the IDF and Israeli society.” Well, there are other reasons for the feeling of failure and shame, such as the exercise that resembled the kidnapping of a Palestinian by Jews out of all the scenarios , although there are much more important and far less imaginative scripts. It was difficult to look at the pictures in which soldiers who played settlers wore bright vests with the inscription: “directed by the enemy”.

Even the administrative decrees that were generously distributed during his term of office to the settlers, some of them very young, are not a reason for great pride just like his concern for their illegal construction while their Arab neighbors are adding lots of floors and pergolas.

A review of the processes that took place in Jenin, Nablus, Kalkilia and other places in Judea and Samaria regarding the intensification of terrorist activities and the stockpile of weapons and ammunition during his term of office will also not provide reasons for patting ourselves on the back.

Fox noted in his speech that “the enemy has become more sophisticated, the weapons he wields are more advanced, and the knowledge he is accumulating is more detailed,” but he himself apparently learned nothing when he speaks in praise of the importance of the Palestinian Authority, the one that pays the salaries of terrorists, that educates children in its institutions On the knees of terrorism and that she has not yet condemned the terrible massacre that took place in Otef.

“The ability of the Central Command to fulfill its tasks, to protect the State of Israel and the residents of the Strip, also depends on the existence of a functioning and strong Palestinian Authority with effective security mechanisms that maintain law and order,” he said. Alas for the day when the State of Israel will depend on the Palestinian Authority to fulfill its tasks. It is possible that General Fox was so busy maintaining law and order because the authority bothered less to do so, and therefore did not notice that some members of the security apparatus of that very authority took an active part in the murderous attacks that took place here.

He testifies to himself as someone who treated every stone and bottle that was thrown seriously. “Threw away”. It would have been useful to mention the identity of the throwers. The settlers, those for whom the stones and bottles were thrown, and many, many bullets were fired that claimed the lives of many, will find it difficult to agree with his statement. He attributes to those who bury their dead who were murdered under his watch a “nationalist crime” and although this has reduced and was not extensive at first, it is very important for him to say goodbye to them with accusations that they sow fear in the Palestinian residents who, according to him, do not pose any threat.

Just like in that exercise that was conducted under his command, the picture that General Fox sees is reversed. He makes an equal judgment between Jews and Arabs who move together on the same axis but forgets that there is only one side of him that fires shots at the cars on the other side, there is only one side that carries out drive-by attacks, there is only one side that murders innocents.

Fox clings firmly to the concept of working and productive Palestinians. He is the one who emphasizes the importance of the incisive and uncompromising investigation for the purpose of learning, improvement and drawing lessons – but probably not such a value in itself.

He talks regarding the local leadership and the spiritual leadership and condemns the way of the silent because it is not Judaism in his eyes. It is impossible not to immediately think of Yaya Fink who makes it a point to declare every few days that “this is not his Judaism” even when he donates money to the benefit of the residents of Hvara from where the murderers of Hillel Weigal Yaniv Hid came from. “This is not the way of Torah,” preacher Mi who left the yeshiva and took off the kippah.

“This war teaches us a lesson in modesty,” says one who is sure that the mother who sends her children to kindergarten and goes out to do whatever she wants does not know the extent and nature of the dangers that surround her in Judea and Samaria.

While he thanks Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi for his “command, leadership, sharpness and precision” most of us are still searching like lost people in endless navigation, it seems that he too “fooled” in front of the maps. It can be assumed that he will make his way into politics rather easily, perhaps quickly, since He already did the campaign “on uniform”.



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