Year-Round Efforts Required to Protect Breeding Habitats, Warns Health Ministry

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Paraguay has been an endemic country for dengue since 2009, so prevention and control activities must be a constant, both in cold and hot weather. In this context, the Ministry of Health issued a series of recommendations.

The Malaria Eradication Service (Senepa) insists on the measures mentioned below to be applied at home and in the community with the aim of promoting a healthy environment:

– Check that there are no objects scattered outdoors.

– Eliminate what you are not going to use: cans, bottles, caps, etc.

– Inspect and clean gutters.

– Store containers with water for use or consumption under a roof or cover.

– Place the bottles you want to continue using upside down.

– Make sure there is no stagnant water in the saucers of the pots.

– Use wet sand in vases.

– Check that water does not accumulate between the trunk and the branches of the trees.

– Dispose of or store unused tires under a roof.

– Brush your pet’s water bowl when changing the water.

The Ministry of Health also emphasises that it is essential to continue investing a few minutes a day to implement the aforementioned measures, disposing of unused objects with household waste and checking places where water can accumulate, such as the spaces between the leaves of ornamental plants and holes in stones and trees.

Citizens are also invited to follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health and Senepa to learn more about vector control and community education activities being carried out throughout the country.

#destruction #breeding #sites #yearround #action #recalls #Ministry #Health
2024-09-06 06:33:17
Here is a comprehensive⁣ and SEO-optimized article on the topic of preventing dengue fever:

Preventing ‌Dengue Fever: ⁣A Comprehensive Guide

Dengue fever is ⁢a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that affects millions of people around the world ​every year. In Paraguay, the disease⁢ has been endemic since 2009, making it ⁣essential⁤ to take preventive ⁣measures to control its spread. The ⁤Ministry ⁣of Health ​has‍ issued a series of recommendations ⁣to ⁤promote a healthy environment and prevent dengue fever.

Why ‍Prevention is‍ Key

Dengue fever is⁢ a viral ⁤disease transmitted by the⁢ bite of⁤ infected Aedes mosquitoes. It is characterized by severe flu-like symptoms, including high fever, joint pain, and skin rash. In severe cases, it can lead to serious complications, such as hemorrhaging and organ failure, which can be life-threatening. Prevention is key to avoiding this disease, and it requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments.

Home and Community Measures

To prevent dengue fever, it is essential to eliminate breeding sites of the Aedes⁢ mosquito, which can be found in and around homes and communities. Here are ⁢some measures to take:

  1. Check and eliminate standing water: Inspect ‍your home and surroundings for any⁣ objects that can hold water, such as cans, bottles, and tires. Dispose of them or store them under a roof or cover.
  2. Clean and⁤ inspect gutters: Make sure gutters are clean and free of debris to prevent water accumulation.
  3. Store water containers properly: Store⁣ containers with water for use or consumption under a ​roof or‌ cover. Place bottles upside down and ensure⁢ that there is no stagnant water in ​saucers and ⁤vases.
  4. Maintain a clean ‌environment: Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces, ⁤especially in areas where water may accumulate.
  5. Dispose of unused tires: Unused tires can ​become breeding sites for Aedes mosquitoes. Dispose of them or store them under a roof.
  6. Change⁢ and clean pet ⁢water bowls:‍ Regularly change and clean ⁤pet water bowls to prevent mosquito breeding.

Additional Measures

In ⁣addition to the above measures, here are ⁢some ⁤additional ‌tips to prevent dengue fever:

  1. Wear protective clothing: ⁤Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and use ⁣insect repellents to prevent ​mosquito bites.
  2. Use mosquito nets: Use ​mosquito nets ‌around beds to⁣ prevent bites while sleeping.
  3. Avoid traveling during peak dengue seasons:⁣ If‌ possible, avoid traveling to areas with high dengue incidence‍ during‍ peak seasons.
  4. Stay⁢ informed: Stay informed about dengue fever outbreaks in your ⁣area and take necessary precautions.


Preventing dengue fever requires a collective‍ effort‌ from ⁣individuals, communities, and governments. By taking simple measures to eliminate breeding sites and​ prevent mosquito bites, we can reduce the risk of ⁣dengue⁢ fever ⁣and promote a healthy environment. ​Remember, prevention is key ⁢to ‍avoiding this serious and potentially life-threatening disease.

Key⁤ Terms

Dengue fever

Aedes mosquito

Prevention ​measures

Breeding sites

Mosquito ⁤bites

Healthy environment


Ministry of Health

Meta Description

Learn how to prevent dengue fever, a​ serious and potentially life-threatening disease, ⁢by taking⁣ simple measures to eliminate breeding sites and prevent mosquito bites. Discover the importance of prevention and how to promote a healthy environment.

Header Tags

H1: Preventing Dengue Fever: A‍ Comprehensive Guide

H2:⁢ Why⁤ Prevention is Key

H2: Home and Community Measures

H2: Additional Measures

* H2: Conclusion

Please note that the article is optimized for SEO with relevant keywords, meta description, and​ header tags.



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