Yasmine Sabry’s father to Ahmed Abu Hashima: Haifa Wehbe thinks she is not a dancer, and he explains

Retired pilot Ashraf Sabry, father of Egyptian actress Yasmine Sabry, caused a wave of controversy following circulating a statement in which he attacked his daughter, Egyptian businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, and insulted the Lebanese artist, Haifa Wehbe.
And the title of Yasmine Sabry’s father’s statement said: “Haifa Wehbe thinks she is not a dancer. A fiery response from Yasmine Sabry’s father to Abu Hashima,” which prompted him to break his silence and deny his relationship with this statement.
And he wrote on his personal Facebook page: “Let me talk regarding fake sites that exploit people’s pain to achieve gains by fabricating lies, such as the Arabi Net website, which put on my tongue lying words regarding the divorce of my daughter Yasmine, and I directed them to their site by denying what was put on the site regarding my tongue, or I will take the ways The legality of these lies regarding this family ordeal with the divorce of my daughter, and I asked that this news be denied.



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