Yasmine is under the crossfire of Ramez

The intensity of the dose of sarcasm that the presenter, Yasmine Ezz, received from Ramez Jalal increased, in his program (Never End). You can simply determine the amount of that dose, by comparing the third episode, with his first two episodes with Muhammad Ramadan and Ahmed El Sakka.
There was definite ridicule of Ramadan and Al-Sakka, but the ceiling of criticism remained in the permissible area, did not cross the red line, while with Yasmine, it reached the peak, and in some comments it exceeded the limits of the permissible.
Yasmine presents her program (With People) on (MBC Egypt) network, she always gets (Trend), because of her extremist views in defending a man, just because he is a man. Which was played by Amal Zayed in the films directed by Hassan Al-Imam, and became a title for the absolute submission to (C. Al-Sayed Abdel-Gawad), the character played by Yahya Shaheen.
And Yasmine added to (Amina) a degree of flirting with the man’s capabilities and features. The novel and the films definitely did not allow him to be shown, and for this reason, she received a lot of criticism that reached the limits of healing following her episode with (Ramez).
In (Never End), she confirmed that she was surprised by the prank, which was previously mentioned by Ramadan and Sakka. The program seeks to present a person in fateful moments, so she discovers his true personality.
Yasmine, as is evident from the episodes, does not have emotional stability. She quickly collapsed in front of the state of panic that the program issued to her, and she was unable to face the trick that the Ramez team had woven, and she did not control herself except with the moment of the end and made sure that it was the last paragraph.
Does Yasmine present her true opinions on her program (With People)? Or does it assume a predetermined character and is entrusted with its performance?
The whole world, not just our Arab world, sees that there is injustice suffered by women, and the evidence is the organization (5050) that demands equality in everything, and the share of women must be equal with men in all aspects of life. From time to time, we glimpse women’s demonstrations in a number of Major film festivals such as (Cannes), when the official competition films are announced, and women feel their small share in the number of participating films, they consider the festival to be biased once morest women, even though the selection criterion should be artistic only, and there is absolutely no way to distinguish between a man or a woman.
I return to the question, does Yasmine Ezz express her conviction? My personal explanation is that at the beginning of her program she was playing a character, some saw in her a hint of public success, and with the continuation of the episodes, she found herself (Trend), so I grabbed her and believed her. The line between Yasmine’s personal convictions and the ideas she presents in her program has completely faded, so she no longer plays a role. Rather, she expresses her personal thoughts and feelings, just like the actor who assumes a dramatic character in the studio, which remains with him even following the end of filming.
Those who object to Jasmine’s opinions are not all women, even the men who find a masculine outlet in her speech. This does not mean that they agree with all of her opinions, and in both cases; Rejection and acceptance, the (trend) that puts it at the forefront of the (cadre) is achieved.
Yasmine is good at reading (social media), and knows the keys to the code. She talks regarding the winter and summer sounds, and regarding the necessity for a woman to swallow her saliva before speaking to a man. One of the areas of female anger, as well as male!!

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