Yasmín Valdés defends her gourmet dish against criticism in ‘La Divina Comida’

2023-06-28 16:00:57

Although Several months have passed since both coincided in an episode of “La divina comida”, Hugo Valencia and Yasmín Valdés met again this week for the preparation that the actress made on that occasion, and that in the words of the journalist, it was a simple dish of “noodles with sauce” that the media defended in conversation with “What do I tell you”.

It was as a result of a comment by the journalist, made a few days ago in his “Zona de estrellas” space, where he assured that “I got angry at my ‘Divine Food’, because it bothered me that one of the guests gave us noodles with salsa”, that Valdés had to come out to defend his preparation.

The round of Valdés and Valencia

He did it in an interview offered to Sergio Rojas Live, where the actress acknowledged that although in the production of the CHV program they are given “one hundred thousand pesos” to prepare dinner for the other guests, that amount was spent entirely on the dishes that he served both to Valencia and to Daniela Nicolás and Marco “Charola” Pizarro, the other faces that participated in the controversial episode of “La divina comida”.

“Indeed, they give us one hundred thousand pesos to cook food. There are three dishes. Entry, main course and dessert. Hugo Valencia seems that he does not know what Thai food is, ”Valdés began.

“Thai food is made with a paste that is five or seven times more expensive than ordinary noodles. Thai pasta costs four thousand pesos, for example. I made it with shrimp, with mango. I made a pippin entrance. In other words, clearly the hundred thousand pesos remain in a tooth, ”added the actress, who pointed out that the expense that she had to make for her dinner was greater than the money received from the private channel.

“For all those who want to shine in ‘La Divina Comida’, one hundred thousand pesos is nothing, and today with even more reason. Besides one wants to put a good wine, he wants to put other things that also have an additional cost. With those hundred thousand pesos you have to do wonders. I made a Thai pasta with shrimp and mangoes, and a pippin entree, it was a Ceviche cusqueña style. Hugo doesn’t seem to know about Thai food, ”he defended himself.

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“My friend looks like he’s never been to a Thai restaurant before. He has a lot of seasonings, the pasta is much more expensive, the 14 ″ caliber shrimp, insisted the media, who acknowledged that “I wish I had kept that money.”

“Imagine that there are four dishes that are made for the guests, plus a dish that is made for production, because they have to do the monkey for TV. In the end there are five dishes, seven or eight shrimp per person, three kilos of reineta, plus the wines, one hundred Lucas is nothing. I think that the comment is super misplaced, because there is zero possibility of keeping money when there are five dishes with products that are expensive. They were expensive at that time, today it would be impossible to make a budget with one hundred thousand pesos, ”he closed.

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