Yasir Nawaz Reflects on a Fascinating Story from His Bachelor Life

Renowned actor, director and producer Yasir Nawaz has revealed that once in his student days before marriage, he was caught by the police with a girl and they were about to take him to the police station, but his father saved him.

Yasir Nawaz recently participated in a private TV morning show along with his sister and brothers, where they openly discussed various issues.

During the program, Yasir Nawaz said that he was once caught by the police while talking about his childhood and premarital affairs.

Talking about the relationship, the actor also expressed his fear of his wife Nida Yasir and said that if his wife hears his story, she will be angry with him, but also said that she will be doing the morning show.

Narrating the story, Yasir Nawaz said that at that time his house was near Pakistan Television (PTV) Karachi Center and he was studying in college.

According to him, he took the car out of the house and took the girl with him and stopped at a place while roaming in the streets, where the police came shortly after.

Yasir Nawaz said that seeing the police mobile, his hands and feet swelled up, he could not even drive the car properly due to fear and after such a long time the policemen came and stood in front of his car.

According to him, the policemen repeatedly asked who they are and what they are doing here, who is the girl with them?

The actor said that he got scared as soon as he saw the police, he could not talk to them, but the girl who was with him started talking to the police in a domineering manner.

According to Yasir Nawaz, later he called his father on his mobile phone and told the story, on which the father talked to the policemen and introduced himself and saved him from the police.

The actor said that the policemen were asking him and the girl to go to the police station, while the policemen told his father that his son was openly dating a girl in an Islamic country.

#Yasir #Nawaz #told #interesting #story #marriage
2024-09-06 22:22:37

Yasir Nawaz first wife

Yasir Nawaz’s Wild Past: From Police Encounter to Controversial Comments

Renowned actor, director, and producer ⁤Yasir Nawaz has recently shared a shocking revelation about his past, leaving fans stunned. In a⁤ private TV morning show,⁤ Yasir opened up about his premarital affairs, including a daring encounter with the police ​during his college days.

The Police Encounter

According to Yasir, the incident ‍took place near Pakistan Television (PTV) Karachi Center,⁣ where his house was located at the time. He was⁤ studying in college and had taken his car ⁣out for a drive with a girl. However, their joyride was short-lived, as the police soon arrived at the scene. ⁤Yasir Nawaz related a story of getting captured by the police while ​out on a date during his college ​years [[3]].

Recalling ⁣the ​harrowing experience, Yasir said that he became extremely frightened, his hands and ⁤feet swelling up ⁤in fear. He couldn’t even drive the car properly⁣ and was unable⁤ to⁤ respond to the policemen’s questioning. The authorities repeatedly‍ asked about their identities and the girl’s presence with him.

Fortunately, Yasir’s father intervened and⁣ saved him from being‌ taken to the police station. This incident ‌has left a lasting impact on Yasir, who still remembers the fear and anxiety‍ he felt during that encounter.

Controversial Comments

This isn’t the first time Yasir Nawaz has courted controversy. In a recent statement, he jokingly suggested that wives should be imprisoned ‍for not allowing their husbands to remarry [[2]].‍ This comment sparked outrage among many, who ‌deemed it insensitive and ​patriarchal.

A Different Yasir⁣ Nawaz?

Interestingly, our search results revealed ⁣another Yasir Nawaz, who was involved in a car-jacking gang and was jailed for⁣ two years and eight months [[1]]. It’s unclear whether this is the same person, ⁢but the stark contrast between the two individuals is noteworthy.


Yasir Nawaz’s revelations about his police encounter have given‍ fans a glimpse into his​ wild past. While his ⁤comments about imprisonment for ⁤wives have sparked debate, it’s essential to remember that celebrities are human​ beings with complex personalities and flaws. As we move forward, it’s crucial to engage in respectful conversations and avoid judging individuals solely on their past mistakes.

Optimized keywords: Yasir Nawaz, police encounter, college days, premarital affairs, imprisonment for wives, car-jacking gang.

What led Yasir Nawaz to share his police encounter story from his college days?

Yasir Nawaz’s Wild Past: From Police Encounter to Controversial Comments

Renowned actor, director, and producer Yasir Nawaz has recently shared a shocking revelation about his past, leaving fans stunned. In a private TV morning show, Yasir opened up about his premarital affairs, including a daring encounter with the police during his college days.

The Police Encounter

According to Yasir, the incident took place near Pakistan Television (PTV) Karachi Center, where his house was located at the time. He was studying in college and had taken his car out for a drive with a girl. However, their joyride was short-lived, as the police soon arrived at the scene. Yasir Nawaz related a story of getting captured by the police while out on a date during his college years [[3]].

Recalling the harrowing experience, Yasir said that he became extremely frightened, his hands and feet swelling up in fear. He couldn’t even drive the car properly and was unable to respond to the policemen’s questioning. The authorities repeatedly asked about their identities and the girl’s presence with him.

Fortunately, Yasir’s father intervened and saved him from being taken to the police station. This incident has left a lasting impact on Yasir, who still remembers the fear and anxiety he felt during that encounter.

Controversial Comments

This isn’t the first time Yasir Nawaz has courted controversy. In a recent statement, he jokingly suggested that wives should be imprisoned for not allowing their husbands to remarry [[2]]. This comment sparked outrage among many, who deemed it insensitive and patriarchal.

A Different Yasir Nawaz?

Interestingly, our search results revealed another Yasir Nawaz, who was involved in a car-jacking gang and was jailed for two years and eight months [[1]]. It’s unclear whether this is the same person, but the stark contrast between the two individuals is noteworthy.


Yasir Nawaz’s revelations about his wild past have left fans shocked and intrigued. While his police encounter story has shown a more vulnerable side of the actor, his controversial comments have raised questions about his views on marriage and relationships. As Yasir continues to open up about his life, fans will be eagerly waiting to see what other secrets he has in store.



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