Yao Yuanhao admits “I don’t know who is Hu Tianlan” and spit out the deepest voice of the chef | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Xu Yiqun/Taipei Report

Actor Yao Yuanhao has shown good cooking skills in many programs. He loves cooking and took over the reality program “Come on!” “Opening”, running a restaurant with artists, which happens to allow him to show his skills well. Unexpectedly, in the case of frequent internal and external situations, the chef’s craftsmanship will inevitably be affected, but in any case, for the cook, the reaction of the guests is the most direct feedback.

▲Yao Yuanhao has a very hot heart for cooking. (Photo/Photo by reporter Huang Kexiang)

“In Business” welcomed gluttonous guests Yu Meiren and others during its first trial operation. Unexpectedly, the dishes cooked by Yao Yuanhao were rated only 2.2 stars. Yao Yuanhao accepted an exclusive interview with “ETtoday Starlight Cloud” and said frankly: “I will definitely be lost, that feeling is really sad. But every time I am criticized by others, it is my own growth, and I will not give up because others say that we are not good. I won’t say Others don’t understand, we really can’t do it well.”

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▲▼《Come on! In Business

▲ “Come on! In Operation” Trial operation invited food expert Hu Tianlan to visit. (Photo/provided by TVBS)

Yao Yuanhao has loved cooking for many years, and he admits that his relatives and friends have both good and bad reviews after tasting it, but he believes that everyone’s tastes may not be the same, but in any case, “the motivation and spirit of cooking will not change.” However, His efforts with everyone were quickly seen. In the latest episode of the show, food expert Hu Tianlan gave extremely high praise, as if giving the host group a powerful reassurance.

▲▼《Come on! In Business

▲ Watching everyone finish his cooking is the happiest thing for Yao Yuanhao. (Photo/Photo by reporter Huang Kexiang)

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“To be honest, I didn’t know who she (Hu Tianlan) was at first. During the visit, the producer told me that she was a food expert, and she said that the food I cooked was delicious, and the feeling was… wow, so happy , I’m so happy that someone appreciates what we have worked so hard to make, and she thinks it’s delicious!” Yao Yuanhao happily shared the joy of being praised at the time, and hoped that he and the team could continue to bring better cooking to the audience in the future.

Yao Yuanhao said with a smile that although the dishes on the show were rated high or low by the guests, every time they tried dishes, all the dishes were eaten by the team and staff, which was the greatest affirmation for the cooks.

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