A statement that goes wrong. Alex Reed of Radio J, Sunday February 13, the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot described Eric Zemmour as “service Jew”. A statement that provokes many reactions.
“Zemmour carries death drives, I carry life drives. Zemmour is trying to reconcile part of France with French Algeria, with Pétain, with anti-Semitism. What Father Le Pen failed to do, he manages to do.said Mr. Jadot, before adding: “Zemmour has a difference with Le Pen father, the most perverse difference. It’s because Zemmour is Jewish, he acts as a service Jew for the anti-Semites. (…) He inoculates the poison of division. »
“The expression is not very happy”
Asked regarding this statement, Monday, in the program “Grandes Gueules” on RMC, he said: “Zemmour carries anti-Semitism, he condemns Dreyfus and rehabilitates Pétain (…). When it was [Jean-Marie] Le Pen who made these remarks scandalized everyone. Zemmour uses religion to serve as an excuse for the extreme right which was only waiting for such a representative to free speech. » In this same program, the environmental candidate insisted: “There is a whole part of the population who has found in Zemmour someone very practical to take on anti-Semitism, he is the useful idiot of anti-Semitism. »
Asked regarding the expression “Jew of service”, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, estimated on Franceinfo, Monday, that « l’expression n’[était] not very happy” : “I don’t think you have to qualify people by what they are, you don’t have to essentialize anyone. It is a fact that Eric Zemmour, today, is the one who rehabilitates the thought of Vichy, [qu’]he is the one who dared to say that Marshal Pétain had saved the French Jews by handing over the foreign Jews. That alone should startle us. »
“It is shocking, it is shameful this resurgence of anti-Semitism on the far left and we must condemn these remarks”, denounced the unfortunate finalist of the primary of the right, Eric Ciotti, Monday morning on BFM-TV. MEP Gilbert Collard, new supporter of Mr. Zemmour, criticized the environmentalist candidate, declaring that he “wallows in service anti-Semitism”.
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