Yamna Lobos Resigns from Management of Sports Corporation in Temuco: Personal and Family Reasons Lead to Unexpected Career Shift

2023-08-25 00:57:42

After a year in office, the dancer Yamna Lobos confirmed her resignation from the Management of the Sports Corporation of the Municipality of Temuco. A job that she recently revealed and that meant an important turn in her life.

“I’m finishing my period,” revealed the ex-participant of Rojo in the program Good night all (TVN). “Very much to my regret, because they were not the intentions that I initially had, but I had to submit my resignation for personal and family reasons,” she explained.

“I’ve always thought that when the time comes to put things on the scale, it’s because it’s not… Actually, what you do has to flow, not all things are always aligned, but they always stay well, and when that it does not happen and you have to choose or opt for something else, that is not the way. And fate put me in that dilemma and I had to opt for my family,” he deepened. the 40 year old dancer.

she leaves happy

It was only last April when Yamna uncovered, in the same program, the job challenge that changed her life. At that time, she recounted that the mayor of Temuco convinced her to accept the peguita and took it as a challenge. “In addition, we as a family were looking for other alternatives to live,” she commented then.

Four months later, she talks regarding her resignation, although she assured that she was “very happy for all the goals achieved, the work, effort and how brave I was to accept that job. I’m leaving very happy, ”she said.

“I grew too much at a professional level and I want to take advantage of this instance to thank the mayor, Roberto Neira, who gave me the opportunity, and my team from the Sports Corporation, along with its board of directors, who have all behaved a seven with me,” he said. .


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#opt #family #Yamna #Lobos #quit #job #changed #life #south



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