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Dhiva Tasya | Insertlive
Saturday, 15 Apr 2023 22:11 WIB
Yama Carlos Reveals Miss Meeting Children, Wife Touches on Interfaith Marriage/Photo: instagram.com/yamacarlos7
Jakarta, Insertlive –
Yama Carlos has not been able to see his son Marco for two months following his marriage to Arfita Dwi Putri.
Yama Carlos is also diligent in uploading his longing stories while praying for his son according to his religious teachings.
However, Yama Carlos’ upload was suddenly commented on by his wife. Arfita even mentioned the interfaith marriage she had with Yama Carlos.
“Even though I just want to separate, and from the beginning I have asked for kindness… but how come it has spread everywhere, sir? I just want to return to my God, namely Allah SWT, our interfaith marriage is wrong, please respect my decision,” Arfita wrote.
Responding to comments from his wife, Yama Carlos admitted that he was furious. As a biological father, Yama Carlos feels he has the right to pray for his son in his own way
“As for Marco, from the beginning he was born until the last time I met him, I have the right to pray for him in my way, you can’t be banned because I am his biological father,” said Yama Carlos when met by InsertLive in the Jakarta area, Saturday (15/4).
This soap opera actor emphasized that his marriage was started according to his beliefs and the blessing was carried out in the church.
Yama Carlos also never forced his wife to change her faith during marriage.
“Our marriage was a marriage of blessing, church, civil registration. I have never forced him to change his faith, it can be proven,” he explained.
Furthermore, Yama Carlos is of the opinion that interfaith marriages are legitimate. For him, differences in beliefs should not be brought into this matter
“If I think like this, whoever your partner is, even though they have different beliefs, if you really believe in your faith, there shouldn’t be a problem,” he said.
“God overshadows all, in my opinion. Don’t bring it up in the name of belief, but it’s different from the inside,” concluded Yama Carlos.
Yama Carlos and Arfita Dwi Putri were married in 2016. From that marriage, both of them were blessed with a son named Marco Amanda Blessio Carlos.
Now, Yama Carlos and Arfita are in the process of divorce.
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