Yakusho Koji plays the role of a public toilet cleaner, driving a wave of special public toilet tours | My Perfect Daily | Vin Wenders

2024-03-02 09:19:41

Koji Yakusho vividly transformed into a public toilet cleaner in the film “My Perfect Everyday”. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

[The Epoch Times, March 02, 2024](Epoch Times reporter Zeng Weixin reported) The Oscar-nominated film “My Perfect Everyday” directed by German film master Vin Wenders and starring Cannes new actor Koji Yakusho, according to The authoritative American media “VARIETY” reported that the film’s global box office revenue as of February 18 was US$24.3 million (approximately NT$770 million), setting a new high for a film directed by Vin Wenders.

The birth of this film originated from the “Tokyo Toilet Project” (Tokyo Toilet Project). Through the daily life of a public toilet cleaning worker played by Yakusho Koji, Vin Wenders guides the audience to understand the essence of Japanese culture in a poetic and romantic way.

In the film “My Perfect Day”, Yakusho Koji works as a cleaner in a public toilet designed by the famous architect Tadao Ando. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

In the film, Yakusho Koji is busy cleaning 17 public toilets in Shibuya designed by famous architects such as Tadao Ando, ​​Toyo Ito, and Shigeru Ban. The beautiful public toilets combined with public art also triggered a wave of tourist pilgrims due to the release of the movie. The craze, “The Tokyo Toilet Shuttle Tour” was also born due to the enthusiasm of the public. If you join the tour, you can visit 17 public toilets that appeared in the film.

Yakusho Koji cleans public toilets in Tokyo in the film “My Perfect Everyday”, triggering a wave of tourist pilgrimage. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

“My Perfect Day” swept the Cannes Film Festival’s Best Actor Award, Humanitarian Award and Asia Pacific Film Festival’s Best Film Award, and even more powerfully won the “Best International Film” at the 96th Academy Awards. In the three weeks since the movie was released in the United States, the box office has accumulated US$1.3 million (approximately NT$42 million). Critics on the well-known film review website “Rotten Tomatoes” gave it a high rating of 96% for freshness, and the audience satisfaction rate was as high as 93%. Highly recommended.

Working with Yakusho Koji for the first time, director Vin Wenders said: “I have seen more than a dozen of his works and have always admired him.” When he went to Japan to scout locations for pre-production work on “My Perfect Everyday”, he learned that Vin Wenders was so excited to have the opportunity to write a movie role for Yakusho Koji that he called it his ideal “dream cast.”

“My Perfect Everyday” director Vin Wenders and cinematographer Franz Lusty shot in front of the protagonist Mr. Hirayama’s house. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

Hiroshi Yakusho studied with Yuji Eda, the cleaner of the “Tokyo Public Toilet Project” for two days beforehand. As soon as filming started, he perfectly transformed into the public toilet cleaner “Hirayama” in the film. In the end, it only took him 17 days to shoot his part.

Takasaki Takuma, who co-wrote the screenplay with Vin Wenders, said: “On the shooting scene, Yakusho and photographer Franz worked perfectly together. Franz often exclaimed, ‘How does Mr. Yakusho know what I want to shoot!?’ Yakusho was perfect.” Get ready to make it possible!”

Poster photo of the movie “My Perfect Everyday”. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

Last month, Koji Yakusho went to the United States and England with director Vin Wenders to promote the film. He said happily: “I feel that the director’s mood is getting better day by day. I think I should be able to repay the director a little bit!” Wenders dedicated “My Perfect Everyday” to the master Yasujiro Ozu. He said he wanted to convey through this film: “Everything and everyone is unique, every moment only happens once, daily life is The only everlasting story.”

Koji Yakusho (left) won the Cannes Best Actor Award for “My Perfect Day” directed by Wenders. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

A few days ago, Yakusho Koji and the film’s actors Arisa Nakano, Aoi Yamada, and Min Tanaka attended a meeting with the filmmakers at the Roppongi Theater in Tokyo to celebrate the Japanese box office exceeding 1 billion yen (approximately NT$220 million). It has been 2 months since the film was released in Japan. The number of theaters has also grown against the trend in the United States, with moviegoers exceeding 700,000.

Although there are still many countries where it has not yet been released, the global box office has achieved an impressive result of NT$770 million, becoming a new box office record for a film directed by Vin Wenders, surpassing his masterpieces “Paris, Texas” (NT$72 million) and “Wings of Desire” ” (NT$110 million), “Le Shi Fu Sheng Lu” (NT$730 million).

With overwhelming word-of-mouth and sold-out theaters, the number of theaters in the United States surged from 34 to 253 in the third weekend, showing astonishing growth against the trend. At the 96th Academy Awards, which will be handed out on March 10, “My Perfect Day” has a strong voice in winning the “Best International Film” on behalf of Japan.

In the film “My Perfect Everyday”, Yakusho Koji used to go out every morning and look up at the sky. (Provided by Jia Shang Entertainment)

Taiwanese film critics who were the first to watch “My Perfect Everyday” were quite unforgettable by Yakusho Koji’s charm. Writer Koko said that just by watching the trailer, he was so healed that he couldn’t help himself. “This movie is like a poem as usual,” The power of “permanence” is actually greater than “impermanence”, because “permanence” will always defeat impermanence in the end.”

Milandia was inspired to say: “Live life to the highest level with the lowest attitude every day. The so-called ‘perfect daily life’ can only be defined by yourself.” The fashion editor’s sincere words said: “I sincerely advise you to follow People who like old men like me should not try “My Perfect Everyday” easily, or they will be overwhelmed by the charm of Yakusho Koji.”

The movie “My Perfect Everyday” will be released in Taiwan on March 8.

Editor in charge: Liu Yuhan

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