Yahoo Entertainment Circle | Exclusive interview with Natalie Tong: Lack of love in her family led her to keep dating, she admits she was once a love-brained person and was named the “best girlfriend”: True love is not one-sided

Yahoo Entertainment Circle | Exclusive interview with Natalie Tong: Lack of love in her family led her to keep dating, she admits she was once a love-brained person and was named the “best girlfriend”: True love is not one-sided

When talking regarding “Best Girlfriend,” one naturally thinks of the actress who has left TVB, Tang Shiyong. This self-proclaimed love-brained actress shared her personal experiences with Yahoo Entertainment, revealing how she once prioritized love over everything else, even neglecting herself. However, each love experience served as a catalyst for her growth, teaching her valuable lessons and allowing her to mature. Gradually, she discovered what truly mattered to her.

Yahoo Entertainment Circle | Exclusive interview with Natalie Tong: Lack of love in her family led her to keep dating, she admits she was once a love-brained person and was named the “best girlfriend”: True love is not one-sided

Natalie Tong wants to change herself

No escape route

Tang Shiyong, who began her career as a part-time model in high school, made her acting debut in 2000 in the RTHK youth drama “Youth @ Y2K”. She also participated in film roles before joining TVB in 2003, where she filmed dramas and hosted programs. After approximately 20 years with the company, she decided to leave. She describes her acting career as incredibly enriching. “I started learning acting from scratch. Gradually, I learned what acting was all regarding and achieved some success. But for me, the learning never ends.”

Won the Best Actress Award for Won the Best Actress Award for

Won the Best Actress Award for “A Woman Who Doesn’t Know How to Flirt”

Reflecting on her career’s ups and downs, Natalie Tong acknowledges going through various phases. “I’ve been in the industry for almost five years. Initially, I was hired for my novelty, but following the initial excitement, reality set in. There were times when I had work, times when I didn’t, and times when I heard people say, ‘She’s not very good.’ During one such low point, a senior actor told me, ‘It’s not the role that defines you, but you who define the role.’ It took me a while to understand that, and it wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I started to reflect on myself. In 2018, Natalie Tong won the “Best Actress” award at the “Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2017” for her role in “A Woman Who Doesn’t Know How to Flirt.” “Winning TV Queen is considered a peak achievement in others’ eyes.” She sighs, “In the past, I had to work hard to convince others to believe in me. However, following ‘A Woman Who Doesn’t Know How to Flirt,’ I received more recognition. People’s trust in me grew.”

Natalie Tong ended her nearly 20-year association with TVB in 2022. She explains that her physical strength had significantly declined. “You can’t wait until something happens to take care of your body.” Additionally, she had a strong desire to change herself. “It happened to be time to discuss my contract, and I thought, ‘If not in a few years, then now.’ If I signed the contract, I would be back to the same nonstop work schedule, but at that moment, I wanted to stop. I really needed to stop.” She had not prepared a specific plan for the future. “Except for being prepared that no one might ask me to work for the next two years, I haven’t thought regarding anything at all, and there’s no other way.” She returned to being a free agent and embarked on an unknown path to continue learning.

Hosted the HOY TV program Hosted the HOY TV program

Hosted the HOY TV program “Britain is Good”

The best girlfriend is no longer “love-brained”

Natalie Tong, often called the “best girlfriend” by the public, admits she was once “love-brained” and deeply in love, to the point of forgetting herself. “Love was definitely my top priority! I was always accommodating to my partners and didn’t want to argue. Now, I realize that a truly good girlfriend needs to understand the other person. True love requires being able to communicate, where he can guide me and I can guide him. I believe there should be such a dynamic, not just because I like you very much.” She believes, “There will always be problems in a relationship. Ultimately, it’s how two people solve these problems that matters. This is crucial and determines whether we can keep going.”

I admit I was once a love-brainedI admit I was once a love-brained

I admit I was once a love-brained

Named Named

Named “Best Girlfriend” by the outside world

Natalie Tong has learned a great deal from her past love experiences. “True love should make both parties happy, not just one-sided giving or receiving. If love is not mutual, you’ll eventually feel empty and question what you are doing. Long-term imbalance will lead to significant problems in the future. My experiences have changed me; I wouldn’t act like that now.” Natalie Tong has publicly confirmed romantic relationships with Shawn Yue, Choi Kin Pong, and Ron Ng. “Each person I encounter on my journey may not be seen favorably by others, but for me, even bad experiences have taught me valuable lessons.” She doesn’t think she’s lost her footing. “I need to go through many different learning experiences to understand what’s right for me. I don’t blame my past.” Every love experience has contributed to Natalie Tong’s growth. Now, she has new perspectives. “I need to have some time alone, I need a mature love, and I need someone to solve problems with me instead of leaving them for me to deal with when they arise.”

Embark on an unknown path and continue learningEmbark on an unknown path and continue learning

Embark on an unknown path and continue learning

Raised by her mother since she was young, she often dated, longing for the love of a father figure. She openly admits that she used to be very angry with her father. “I haven’t seen him for many years. Even now, I’ve realized that the past isn’t important. I want to have a relationship with him in the future and hope he will be happy, rather than clinging to the past.” Perhaps due to her regular meditation and Buddhist readings, she has learned to “let go”. “People often want to get so much, but it’s actually letting go that’s difficult. In the end, not letting go only hurts you. To maintain this kind of love for a long time, the easiest way is to embrace love. Looking back, I feel that love should be slow and lasting. Now, I truly hear the voice of my inner child. During this process, it feels like I’m carrying a bubble filled with this love, filling my whole heart. It represents a sense of gain and loss.”

When asked if she is currently single, she smiles and says, “Love needs time. I go out for dinners and dates, but it’s very different from before. In the past, I might have met someone once or twice, felt a connection, and then rushed into something. It was too fast back then.” Regarding whether she looks forward to getting married, she says, “I don’t feel particularly compelled to get married or not. I’ll go with the flow. On the contrary, I look forward to a relationship where we can learn from each other. I want to find a soulmate. Someone I can talk to all day, who knows what I need. We can also give each other space. The key is that I know how to love myself more, and the other person knows how to cherish me.” She’s not in a hurry to tie the knot. “No one is pushing me. There were times when I felt I should get married, but I discovered people need to understand what they really need. Do I really need it? Marriage is just a piece of paper. If we can’t be together, a piece of paper won’t make it any easier.”

Learned to let goLearned to let go

Learned to let go

Face fear and let things go

Natalie Tong attended the 8th Hong Kong International Children’s Film Festival last month and appeared behind the scenes to share her thoughts on creating “The Last Moment.” About her new role, she says, “I’ve always wanted to be a behind-the-scenes creator. It’s very different from filming a drama. Creation is regarding turning every word and sentence I wrote over nine months into a story. This is essential for expressing your emotions. The process helped me understand more regarding my childhood. The story I created is regarding my younger self and explores my childhood.” She wants to tell everyone not to fear their past selves. “There’s no need to be afraid of anything, because you have to face it before you can move on to the next stage. If you don’t face it, you’ll stay trapped in that moment. When you take that small step, your life will actually take a significant step forward.”

continue reading

Creation of Creation of

Creation of “The Last Moment”

The Buddhist Tang Shiyong takes things as they come and doesn’t have grand plans for the future. “I never think regarding the future, because people are miserable when they get stuck in the past and worry regarding future success. I don’t dwell on the future. It’s best to enjoy the present.”

Clothing: MOSCHINO, Maje, Charles & Keith, Swarovski

Makeup: Jessica Chan

Hair: Terrence Chan


Reporter: Leung Lok-yan

Natalie Tong: From “Love-Brained” Actress to Embracing New Beginnings

Tang Shiyong, affectionately known as Natalie Tong, is a name synonymous with the Hong Kong entertainment industry. After a remarkable 20-year journey with TVB, she has chosen to embark on a new chapter, leaving behind the comfort of familiar territory to explore uncharted paths. Her journey, filled with both success and personal growth, reflects a woman who has learned to let go of the past and embrace the uncertainties of the future.

From Part-Time Model to TV Queen

Natalie’s acting career began with a part-time modeling gig during her secondary school days. She made her debut in 2000 with the RTHK youth drama “Youth @ Y2K” and later joined TVB in 2003, where she honed her craft in both television dramas and hosting. She achieved significant recognition in 2018, winning the coveted “Best Actress” award at the “Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2017” for her outstanding performance in “A Woman Who Doesn’t Know How to Flirt.”

Breaking Free From the Familiar

Despite her successful career with TVB, Natalie made the courageous decision to leave the company in 2022. This wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment choice; it was born out of a desire for change and a realization that her physical stamina was waning. She yearned for a fresh start, a chance to redefine herself beyond the confines of her previous role. Leaving TVB, albeit a difficult decision, was a necessary step for her personal and professional growth.

Evolving From “Love-Brained” to Self-Awareness

Natalie has always been known as the “best girlfriend” in the industry, but she readily admits that her past self was “love-brained.” She once prioritized love above all else, even to the point of neglecting herself. Through her love experiences, she learned valuable lessons regarding the essence of a healthy relationship.

What Makes a “Best Girlfriend”?

  • Mutual Understanding and Communication:
  • Shared Growth and Learning:
  • Problem-Solving as a Team:

Natalie’s outlook on love has evolved significantly. While she once believed in sacrificing everything for love, she now recognizes the importance of balance and self-worth. Her past relationships, though challenging, have been instrumental in shaping her into the strong and self-assured woman she is today.

Learning to Let Go and Embrace the Present

Raised by her mother, Natalie sought love and a connection with her father, who was absent from her life. While she harbor’s no resentment, she has acknowledged the pain of their separation. Over time, through meditation and Buddhist teachings, she has learned to let go of past grievances and focus on the present moment.

Expanding Horizons Beyond Acting

Natalie’s creative endeavors have extended beyond acting. She recently delved into the world of filmmaking as a behind-the-scenes creator for “The Last Moment.” This new role has allowed her to express her emotions and explore a different side of storytelling. She’s also exploring opportunities outside of Hong Kong, demonstrating her ambition and willingness to embrace new challenges.

Natalie Tong: A Woman of Growth and Resilience

Natalie Tong’s story is an inspiration to us all. She’s a woman who has faced challenges with grace and emerged stronger for it. Her journey reminds us that self-discovery is a lifelong process, and sometimes, the most significant growth comes from taking risks and stepping outside our comfort zones. As she navigates the uncharted waters of her future, we’re eager to witness the incredible new paths she will forge, both personally and professionally.



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