XVI PPI World International Symposium 2024 Realizing Global Synergy for Golden Indonesia 2045 in Budapest

PPI World Coordinator, Hamzah Assuudy Lubis and Head of KSP Moeldoko, emphasized the importance of synergy between students and the government to support Indonesia’s development. (International Symposium)

The XVI International Symposium of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) World in 2024 was held in Budapest, Hungary, with Indonesian student delegations from various countries.

The event was solemnly opened by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and the PPI Dunia March, which was followed by all participants. The performance of the Condong Keraton Dance, a traditional Balinese dance, also enlivened the event and raised Indonesian culture on the international stage.

The PPI World Coordinator in his speech emphasized the importance of the role of PPI World as a forum that produces superior human resources and strategic partners for the Indonesian government.

“PPI Dunia is a student organization that will be the driving force of change for Indonesia in the future. We are committed to continuing to support the Indonesian government in various initiatives, both domestically and internationally, and ensuring that Indonesian students around the world can contribute directly. Through this symposium, we hope to strengthen collaboration between students and national leaders to realize a more advanced and globally competitive Indonesia,” said Hamzah Assuudy Lubis, PPI Dunia Coordinator.

The Chief of the Presidential Staff Office, General (ret.) TNI Dr. H. Moeldoko, SIP, MA, who symbolically opened the symposium by striking the gong, emphasized the importance of synergy between the government and the younger generation in building Indonesia’s future.

“Indonesia’s young generation is the greatest asset we have to bring this nation to a higher level on the global stage. The challenges that Indonesia is currently facing, whether in the economy, education, or infrastructure, require close collaboration between the government and the youth. Through this symposium, we are not only strengthening the network among Indonesian students around the world, but also preparing them to take on a bigger role in national development. I am confident that with strong collaboration between the government and the young generation, we can realize the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045,” said Moeldoko.

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The series of events for the XVI PPI World International Symposium in Budapest was filled with various talk shows featuring leading speakers in various fields, including:

1.Talkshow 1: Economic Transformation Towards Advanced Indonesia

  • Speakers: Razaq Manan Ahmad (EVP Development and Management Services PT PNM), Prof. Ing. Michal Placek (Professor at Charles University, Czech Republic), Muhammad Putra Hutama (Head of PPI Hungary Alumni), Gravit (AO PT PNM).
  • This discussion discusses the important role of the financial sector, global trends, diaspora contributions, and strategies for implementing economic transformation in Indonesia.

2.Talkshow 2: Creating Superior and Nationalistic Human Resources

  • Speakers: Rahmat Bagja (Chairman of the Indonesian Election Supervisory Body), Betty Epsilon Idroos (Commissioner of the Indonesian Election Commission), Yusuf Didi Setiarto (HR Director of PT PLN).
  • This session emphasizes the importance of character building and education in producing a superior generation with a nationalistic spirit.

3.Talkshow 3: Realizing Quality and Environmentally Friendly Facilities and Infrastructure

  • Speakers: Febry Calvin (Deputy 1 of the Presidential Staff Office), Prof. Dr. Danang Parikesit (Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, UGM), Fajriyah Usman (VP of CSR and SMEPP PT Pertamina), Dirgayuza Setiawan (Editor of the Book “National Transformation Strategy”).
  • The discussion focused on strategies for developing sustainable and environmentally friendly infrastructure.

4.Talkshow 4: Digitalization Towards Golden Indonesia 2045

  • Speakers: Hussein Paolo Kartadjoemena (Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking PT Bank Negara Indonesia) Rio Yusri Maulana (Head of Social and Political Science Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jambi), Arsy Syaikhan (Director of Business Development-Digis Senior Management, GOTO.Tbk Group Company).
  • This discussion examines the role of digitalization in achieving the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.

5.Talkshow 5: Youth Synergy in Realizing Golden Indonesia 2045

  • Speakers: Dr. Anggawira, MM, MH (Secretary General of HIPMI), Addin Jauharudin (Chairman of PP GP Ansor), Bagas Kurniawan (Chairman of PB Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam), Gusti Ega Putrawan (Special Staff of the National Disaster Management Agency), Hamzah Assuudy Lubis (Coordinator of PPI World 2023-2024).
  • This session discusses how synergy between Indonesian youth can encourage the achievement of the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.

The International Congress, August 23, 2024, is the momentum to read the Budapest Declaration. In the declaration read by Hamzah Assuudy Lubis, PPI World Coordinator 2023-2024, PPI World affirmed its full support for upholding democracy in Indonesia by calling for the return of sovereignty to the people.

This declaration also contains several other important points that are the focus of PPI World’s attention:

  1. People’s Sovereignty: PPI World supports the establishment of democracy in Indonesia by returning sovereignty to the hands of the people.
  2. Law Enforcement and Environmental Protection: PPI World urges the government to take firm action against perpetrators of forest fires and support the implementation of the ASEAN Haze Transboundary Agreement.
  3. Preserving Cultural Heritage: PPI Dunia encourages the government to protect and preserve Indonesia’s cultural heritage through digital documentation and strict regulations. Students are also expected to be embraced to act as cultural ambassadors.
  4. Improving the Quality of Education: The Budapest Declaration recommends inclusive policies, adequate funding, and multi-stakeholder collaboration in the education sector to achieve the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.
  5. Equitable and Sustainable Energy: PPI World urges collaboration on domestic component research and development to promote equitable and sustainable energy.
  6. Waste Management: This declaration calls on governments to improve waste management through technology and the implementation of a circular economy.
  7. Digital Service Transformation: PPI World drives 5G technology-based digital service transformation by ensuring system security and consumer protection.
  8. Protection of Diaspora Students: PPI Dunia asks the government to immediately pass the Bill on the Protection of Indonesian Students Abroad so that the rights of diaspora students are guaranteed.
  9. Palestine Peace Advocacy: PPI Dunia urges the Indonesian government to be an example in advocating for peace and a just solution to the Palestine conflict.
  10. Improving the Quality of Health Services: PPI Dunia encourages improving the quality of health services with a One Health approach and equal access to health throughout Indonesia.
  11. Focus on Investment in Digital and Renewable Energy: The Declaration also emphasizes the importance of investing in the digital and renewable energy sectors based on regional specificities.
  12. Tourism Development: PPI Dunia invites the government to provide training and certification to tourism actors in super priority destinations to improve service quality.

This declaration reflects PPI Dunia’s determination to continue to play an active role in supporting sustainable and equitable national and international development, as well as fighting for the rights and interests of Indonesian students throughout the world.

Also read: Pertamina Educates High School Students about the Importance of Renewable Energy

On the same day, the PPI World International Congress also became the moment for the election of the new PPI World Coordinator for the 2024-2025 period, Adhie Marhadi, PhD (Cand) Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

“PPI Dunia’s commitment to become a strategic partner of the government, the determination of Indonesian students abroad as stated in the Budapest Declaration and the sustainability of the organization will be our main focus together for the next year,” said Marhadi.

The 2024 PPI World International Symposium received support from State-Owned Enterprises, including PT Bank Negara Indonesia, PT Pertamina, and other sponsors, who played an important role in the success of this event. (RO/Z-3)

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