Xue Ruiyuan: The new system of partial burden of health insurance will definitely hit the road this year

Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper and talked about the three major tasks and challenges after taking office. He promised that the new health insurance system, which was previously delayed due to the epidemic, will be on the road before the end of this year.Reporter Su Jianzhong / Photography

Xue Ruiyuan, Minister of Health and Welfare, took office on July 18, and his new post will expire one month later. In an exclusive interview with this newspaper, he said that after taking office, he has three major policy directions and challenges, including promoting part of the burden of health care, and revising the Law on Infectious Disease Prevention and Health Insurance. And the establishment of children’s medical network and guardian angel system. He emphasized that the partial burden new system that has been postponed will definitely be on the way this year.

Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, resigned as Minister of Health and Welfare and Commander of the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center on July 10, and left the “New Health Insurance Partial Burden System” that was temporarily suspended. The new system was originally scheduled to hit the road on May 15. , Due to the suspension of the epidemic, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has not let go of the road schedule. President Xue Rui confirmed for the first time that “it will be on the road before the end of the year”.

The health insurance rate was raised to 5.17% in 2021. Although the problem of insufficient reserves for health insurance was temporarily relieved at that time, it will face the dilemma of insufficient reserves again next year. Xue Ruiyuan said that some of the burdens will be implemented by the end of the year, and at the same time, the adjustment of the rate “may not be tolerated by the public”; he admitted that preparing for the 2024 presidential election next year “will become a variable”, and adjusting the rate again “requires a sense of rhythm” .

The health insurance system continues to discuss the adjustment rate

The current health insurance rate is 5.17 percent, which is 6 percent from the legal upper limit, only 0.83 percent away. Xue Ruiyuan said that sooner or later, he will face the problem of not adjusting the rate, and it will be necessary to revise the law in the future. Therefore, before discussing the adjustment of the rate adjustment, we must first revise the health insurance law, “break the ceiling of the rate”, and no longer limit the upper limit to 6%. Xue Ruiyuan said that the health insurance system has three consecutive steps, part of the burden is on the way, and then it is to discuss the adjustment of the health insurance rate and the revision of the health insurance law.

Xue Ruiyuan said that the revision of the health insurance law is to reform the income and expenditure aspects, adjust the existing road and structure, and continue the health insurance system, rather than comprehensively renew it. This revision is not the third-generation health insurance, it can only be said to be an “advanced version of the second-generation health insurance”. “I don’t have such a big ambition to create a new generation of health care,” he said with a smile.

Develop health insurance benefits for nursing expenses

Xue Ruiyuan said that taking advantage of the revision of the Health Insurance Law, he is going to take into account the long-term family problems of being hospitalized with a patient, and plans to make the nurses in the medical system the full-responsibility nurses who assist the public to take care of patients during hospitalization, and serve as nurses. assistants, paid for by health insurance.

In addition, the prevention of chronic diseases will also be included in the scope of health insurance, Xue Ruiyuan said, hoping to help more patients by amending the law to determine rights and responsibilities. In addition to the revision of the Health Insurance Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases will also be revised. Under the new crown epidemic, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases appears stiff and inflexible.

Build children’s medical network, guardian angel

Xue Ruiyuan said that his third task is to improve the problem of high neonatal mortality in Taiwan. He plans to establish a children’s medical network and a guardian angel system for children, and hopes to implement it smoothly before the end of the year.

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