Xu Yinyou revealed the “drug side effects” and “jumped to death from the second floor… I have no memory”

Xu Enyu SNS screenshot
Former broadcaster Seo Eun-woo (31, originally Seo Min-jae), a past member of the popular dating show “Heartbeat Signal 3,” has revealed the serious side effects he faced from drug use. He was sentenced to probation in January for using methamphetamine alongside singer Nam Tae-hyun.

On the 19th, Seo Eun-woo shared an excerpt from a magazine interview titled “I am a drug addict” on social media, stating, “That day was arguably one of the worst days of my life.”

Previously, in August 2022, Seo Eun-woo had posted on social media that Nam Tae-hyun used Philopon and assaulted her, raising suspicions of drug use. Following this post, the police launched an investigation. Both parties later admitted to using Philopon, resulting in the Seoul Western District Court sentencing Nam Tae-hyun to one year in prison with two years of probation, while Seo Eun-woo received a 10-month prison sentence followed by two years of probation.

Seo Eun-woo shared, “About a week after starting the medication, the side effects commonly associated with it—insomnia, depression, panic disorder—intensified. Lacking confidence in my ability to cope, I foolishly abused sleeping pills and other psychiatric medications, and I lost all memory of the events that followed,” he recounted.

He further elaborated, referencing police body camera footage, that officers responded to a call regarding a woman who had jumped from the second floor.

“I learned that after I posted about it on social media, I jumped and broke both my pelvic bones and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. After being admitted for orthopedic surgery, I underwent walking training with crutches and participated in exercises at the rehabilitation hospital.” He mentioned that if his injuries had been more severe, standing could have been impossible.

It has been reported that Xu Enyu’s mother resigned from her teaching position due to feelings of guilt over her inability to properly educate her daughter.

“Because I once experimented with drugs, I lost everything I cherished and had built my life around. It was during this time that I truly became afraid of drugs. When it felt like nothing would change in my life, I thought, ‘My life is over, and drugs are my only escape from reality,'” Seo Eun-woo reflected. “This stemmed from my dark thoughts like, ‘I will die if I continue with this.'”

He added: “After later researching this topic, I came to understand that it was a process of rationalization and justification, a common experience for many drug users facing high-risk situations.”

Discussing the name change, he stated, “Changing my name doesn’t erase or bury the past, but I disliked being called by my old name due to the negative connotation it carried.” He continued, “I don’t want to relive painful memories when I hear certain news or when my family calls me, so I am determined to lead a more honest and correct life moving forward,” he emphasized.

Seo Eun-woo Opens Up About Drug Abuse and Its Aftermath

Former broadcaster Seo Eun-woo, known for her appearance on the popular dating show “Heartbeat Signal 3,” recently shared her harrowing experiences with drug addiction and the profound impacts it has had on her life. In a candid interview, she revealed the challenges she faced during her recovery process, especially after being sentenced to probation for methamphetamine use alongside singer Nam Tae-hyun.

The Dark Days of Addiction

On August 19, Seo Eun-woo posted a portion of her magazine interview titled “I am a drug addict” on social media, describing one of the worst days of her life. It was a day she struggled with addiction, insomnia, depression, and panic disorders that escalated after using the drug. Her social media revelation sparked conversations around the often-hidden issues of substance abuse and the personal battles faced by individuals caught in its grip.

  • Background of Drug Use: In August 2022, Seo posted concerning statements about Nam Tae-hyun, suggesting he had abused drugs and physically assaulted her. This post prompted a police investigation into their drug use.
  • Legal Consequences: By January, both Seo Eun-woo and Nam Tae-hyun were sentenced for their drug offenses—Seo received 10 months in prison with a 2-year probation, while Nam was sentenced to 1 year in prison and 2 years of probation.

Personal Struggles with Mental Health

Seo Eun-woo described her descent into addiction, stating, “After about a week of taking the medication, the side effects commonly known as insomnia, depression, panic disorder, etc., became extreme.” Struggling with her mental health, she turned to sleeping pills and psychiatric drugs, leading to severe consequences. Her testimony highlighted the often-overlooked link between mental health challenges and substance abuse.

Life-Changing Incidents

Seo recounted an alarming incident where she attempted to jump from a building, resulting in severe injuries, including broken pelvic bones. She explained that this drastic action stemmed from the overwhelming pressures of addiction:

  • Emergency Response: Police responded to reports of a woman jumping from the second floor, leading to her hospitalization and extensive rehabilitation.
  • Rehabilitation Journey: Seo underwent orthopedic surgery and began her recovery, which involved using crutches and physical rehabilitation exercises.

The Impact of Addiction on Family

Seo Eun-woo’s battle with addiction also took a toll on her family life. Her mother, overwhelmed with guilt for not having educated her daughter more effectively, resigned from her teaching position. The pervasive sense of responsibility and shame often accompanies families of those struggling with substance abuse.

Reflections on Recovery

Through her trials, Seo Eun-woo made significant realizations about the nature of addiction. She revealed, “Because I once tried drugs, I lost everything I loved that I had built my life around. It was at this time that I became really scared of drugs.” This reflection emphasizes how addiction can shatter lives, making recovery not just a personal journey but a communal one involving family and friends.

Understanding Rationalization in Addiction

Seo’s understanding of addiction deepened as she researched the psychological aspects behind it. She stated, “After researching it later, I realized it was a matter of rationalization and justification because it is a high-risk situation that many drug users go through.” Recognizing these patterns is essential for recovery and can lead to healthier coping mechanisms.

Changing Identity Through New Beginnings

In a quest to escape her past, Seo Eun-woo opted to change her name. While she acknowledges that this change doesn’t erase her experiences, she expressed a desire to dissociate from her old identity. She explained:

  • Names and Identity: “Changing your name doesn’t make the past disappear or be forgotten, but I hated it when I was called by my old name because it felt like a bad modifier was used.”
  • Moving Forward: Seo emphasized, “This time, I have to live more correctly and honestly,” highlighting the importance of recovery and redemption.

Practical Tips for Dealing with Addiction

Seo Eun-woo’s journey sheds light on vital strategies for coping with addiction and mental health challenges. Here are some practical tips inspired by her experience:

  • Seek Professional Help: Finding support from mental health professionals is vital in overcoming addiction.
  • Connect with Support Groups: Joining support groups can provide community and understanding from others facing similar struggles.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Understand that recovery is a journey filled with ups and downs—self-love is essential.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the psychological factors of addiction to better understand your situation.
  • Establish a Support Network: Surround yourself with friends and family who can provide encouragement and accountability.


Seo Eun-woo’s story is a poignant reminder of the challenges posed by drug addiction, mental health, and the road to recovery. By sharing her experiences, she not only aims to inspire others struggling with similar issues but also fosters a dialogue about addiction and its far-reaching effects on individuals and families. By shining a light on these dark corners of personal struggle, we can cultivate empathy and support for those in need.



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