XQc said that he had settled almost all the legal issues with his ex – all that remained was to return the McLaren

2023-12-06 06:51:00

Streamer Felix xQc Lengyel said that all legal issues with streamer Adept, who was his girlfriend, have been settled. He shared this news during the broadcast.

According to xQc, his lawyers informed him of this. He noted that he was very surprised by this outcome, as he thought that the proceedings would never end. However, it is already known for sure that all the serious issues that could have caused Lengyel big problems have been finally resolved. The only issue that has not been fully resolved is the removal of seizure from cars. Adept took one of them, namely a McLaren brand worth several hundred thousand dollars, during the breakup, and xQc wants it back. The streamer clarified that this is a very complex issue and it will not be resolved for a long time.

Adept and xQc separated in September 2022. After this, they began a conflict that became public. In particular, the streamer accused Lengyel of sexual assault and demanded millions of dollars to withdraw the lawsuit, and also stated that he pays his moderators $10 thousand for sex with him.

#XQc #settled #legal #issues #remained #return #McLaren

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