2024-01-20 21:04:24
The other day, I purchased the Hong Kong version of Xperia 1V and did an unboxing review, and I think it’s a must-have for users who like Xperia. Detail is”Xperia 1V unboxing review.I’ve been waiting for an Xperia like this for a long timePlease refer to “.
On the other hand, I bought the Hong Kong version of the Xperia 5V the other day, and my impression is that it’s not as bad as people are saying on the internet, and it’s a good model that fits the Xperia characteristics well in a compact case.
Detail is”Xperia 5V unboxing review.A good model with simple and easy-to-understand evolutionPlease refer to “. Now, there was a post on Reddit regarding the fingerprint authentication of the Xperia 1IV updated to Android 14, so I would like to briefly summarize it.
Fingerprint authentication disappeared.
It turned out that the following was posted this time:
New android update, fingerprint manager not found. I just updated to a new android version and can’t seem to find my finger to update my profile. Can anyone relate to this problem? Thank you!
The other day, Android 14 started being distributed to the 2022 model Xperia 1IV, etc., but as far as I can see from this post, it seems that the update caused a problem and disappeared.
The pattern up until now was that things would gradually get worse and disappear at a timing unrelated to updates, but this time it seems like the update is clearly the cause.
The troublesome thing regarding the Xperia’s fingerprint authentication problem is that once it disappears, it cannot be restored with basic updates. Looking at reports from overseas users, there are many cases in which the only option is to repair.
While the 2023 models Xperia 1Ⅴ and Xperia 5Ⅴ have almost no reports of problems with fingerprint authentication, the 2022 models seem to have a bit more problems due to updates.
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