Xóchitl proposes to bankers to open the key to credit

The candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the Strength and Heart Coalition for Mexico, Xochitl Galvezproposed to the banking sector to create an agreement to grant credit and install “greenhouses” for entrepreneurs and SMEs, through financing.

By participating in the 87th Banking Convention, in Acapulco Guerrero, the presidential standard-bearer presented eight proposals to the financial sector regarding government, growth, security and investments; although she did not give a specific figure or goal of the objectives she seeks to achieve if she wins the election on June 2.

Faithful to his style of colloquial phrases and occurrences, which drew applause from the audience on at least six occasions, he said that we must stop invest “the way wey” in large projects that do not produce results such as the Dos Bocas refinery, which does not “not even a barrel of gasoline comes from” or in the “Tren Falla (Maya).

He said that “for stupid reasons” “Mexico is letting go of the investments that have arrived due to the nearshoring phenomenon” and, as an example, he pointed out that a semiconductor company did not settle in Mexican territory in “45 billion”because there are no public safety conditions, water supply and legal certainty.

In this sense, it promised to provide “exempt electricity generation” and facilities for companies to establish themselves in Mexico, produce and generate jobs; in addition to growing and strengthening the middle classes.

Proposals by Xóchitl Gálvez

During his inaugural speech, which was preceded by an unusual invitation from the host of the event, Carla Iberia Sánchez, who said “Aplaudan Xóchilt”, which generated laughter from the audience and applause, the candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón Coalition for Mexico presented the following proposals:

Certainty and a coalition government, that respects international treaties and laws, with a Judiciary independent of the federal government, that ends “vulgar siege by the president -Andrés Manuel López Obrador- once morest the Court.

Healthy public finances and close the door to spending money on questionable projects and high cost overruns, like the Mayan Train and the Dos Bocas refinerywhich will leave “the largest deficit in the last 35 years.”

Security and a government that protects citizens, and not to criminals; He promised empathy for citizens and an end to hugs and the full weight of the law for criminals

Economic growth and job creation, to take advantage of the “great opportunity of the demographic dividend and nearshoring, which will allow us economic growth and well-paid jobs.”

Reactivation of economies premises and support for SMEs and entrepreneurs; He decided to work with the bank; “a good bank is a greenhouse of dreams, it is a project workshop, is a partner of entrepreneurs

Facilitate the conditions of credit so that entrepreneurs, MSMEs, which represent 80% of jobs, do well. “You have to work there.”

Infrastructure for the relocation of companies, known as nearshoring. “To have a well-paid job, We need more and better ports, roads, railways, airports and a telecommunications network.

Social programs. “You know that I was born in poverty, studying hard and with a scholarship I got ahead; I know how much it costs and I know that it is possible, Morena is leaving, the social programs are staying,” she said.

#Xóchitl #proposes #bankers #open #key #credit
2024-04-22 04:48:34



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