Xochitl Galvez Proselytizing Event Draws Thousands to Sergio Leon Chavez Stadium in Irapuato: A Recap

2024-03-02 05:27:14

By Arturo Cerda Díaz / Sent

Irapuato, Guanajuato.- The call for the proselytizing event in which he participated Xochitl Galvez This Friday afternoon was excessive.

Thousands of people dressed in the pink of civil society, the blue of PANof the red of AT and the yellow of PRDthey stayed outside the Sergio León Chávez stadium from this city.

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The property has capacity for 25 thousand people. According to the organizers, about 4 thousand more people attended due to the seating installed on the field.

The order of Civil protection In order not to let more people through, it took place around 4:30 in the afternoon, 30 minutes before the time announced for the start of the event.

Those who arrived in rented trucks denied being “charged“. They said they were convinced of responding to the invitation made to them days before.

There were people from various municipalities of the state, but mainly from the different colonies of Irapuato.

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“Well, it’s bad because you stop doing your things to come and support and everything, and they don’t let you in anymore,” complained Mrs. Isabel, who upon reaching the access that had been indicated to her found the door closed.

“They didn’t let us in anymore, because for security reasons, it was already full (…) they didn’t give us a chance anymore. We are going to go back,” Alondra lamented, before walking away along with the group of neighbors with whom she organized to go.

“But anyway we are here supporting Libya, here we are supporting PAN,” said María, who moved from Silao, a municipality almost 40 kilometers away.

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However, there were those who were not upset that they were denied passage. They took it as a sign of the union of opposition parties.

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“We leave happy and content, we came to walk, we couldn’t see Libya or Xóchitl, but no way, it will be again,” said Belinda, from San Francisco del Rincón, 40 minutes away.

The event, announced by the team of

Thousands of t-shirts and caps with phrases to support her were repaired outside the stadium.

The closing of the event was the speech by Xóchitl Gálvez. Even though it lasted less than 12 minutes, hundreds of people began to leave when he barely started speaking.

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#Overwhelmed #attendance #Xóchitl #Gálvezs #massive #event #Irapuato #sees #supporters #leave #beginning #speech

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